當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 短信平臺 - 托福寫作模板:老師很難既受歡迎又有效教學





Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

It is difficult for teachers to be both popular (well-liked) and effective in helping students to learn.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

範文 1:Argument 1 (for)

It is very difficult for a popular teacher to really help the students learn to the best of their abilities. Popular teachers are more concerned about their image than about pushing students to do their best. As a result, popular teachers are often too easily distracted from the class content, they make the class too easy, and they focus on the students that respond best.

Popular teachers are invariably very social. They try to show that they are interested and involved in the students’ world by discussing sports, television shows, and other things which are not related to the subject. Although such conversation may be fun for the students, it leaves less time to cover class material. I had a teacher once who was so talkative that he only completed half of the topics on the syllabus. The students like myself who were interested in learning the material had to read the second half of the textbook on our own. Sharing funny anecdotes about his weekend activities, that professor did not effectively teach what needed to be covered.

Another potential problem with popular teachers is the desire to give good grades. If a teacher fails a student, the student invariably is not happy. Therefore, popular teachers often make tests very easy so that students can get high scores. This may satisfy students who don’t care about mastering a subject, but the top students are not challenged or pushed to study and reach a higher level of understanding. Giving everyone good grades does not make the class better; itkeeps the stronger students from testing their limits.

Finally, popular teachers often focus on the students who respond well to their teaching style and keep the class entertaining. They call on those students who answer the questions in a funny way rather than students who address the topic in a thoughtful manner. They may even highlight the accomplishments of a few students during their conversations rather than trying to engage and encourage everyone. As a result, some students feel left out, and may even stop attending class. The unpopular students lose motivation and do not excel because they are ignored in favor of students that cater to the popular teacher.

Popular teachers often do a poor job in helping all students learn because they are more interested in socializing than teaching the class material, they want to give good grades rather than challenge students, and they focus on a few students who like the teacher.

help the students learn to the best of their abilities 幫助學生盡其所能地學習

are often too easily distracted from 經常太容易分心

leave less time to do X 為做X留更少的時間

the second half of X X的後半部分

keep the stronger students from testing their limits 阻止較強的學生去測試他們的極限

left out 被忽視,被遺忘

cater to 迎合













6.堅持使用妳所知道的詞匯、 句子 結構和語法點




托福寫作如何寫出新意?在托福寫作中,很多學生的寫作結構都是五段三點的方式,但是要自己跌 作文 能夠有創新,就要要學會規範中進入布局,那麽今天三立在線我就為大家分析壹下怎樣才能讓考生在托福考試中寫出獨具心得托福作文呢?

文章 規範的布局

對於托福寫作來說,規範的寫作布局還是必不可少的。五段三點式文章結構的文章結構,永遠就是托福獨立寫作主線脈絡,比如,在托福寫作的過程中。中間段落的文章結構就是Transitional words + topic sentence +development。如果考生在平時能熟練運用這樣的壹個結構來展開作文,那麽考場上就會憑借這份思維定勢來幫助自己抓住每壹分。

Transitional words主要有以下三種,即表順序:firstly, secondly, finally(last but not least);表並列:besides, in addition;表對比:in contrast, in comparison。這些銜接詞會讓文章看起來脈絡清晰,組織嚴密,也就做到了評分標準中的“well-organized”壹條。





希望大家可以靈活運用上述講到的寫作 方法 ,讓自己在托福寫作中的文章脫穎而出,拿到高分。