大家好,我是小明。Hello everyone, I am xiaoming.今天我來給大家介紹壹下我的家鄉。Today I give everybody to introduce my hometown.我的家鄉在承德市興隆縣My hometown is in Chengde City, Xinglong County。這裏是壹個美麗的小山城。有著許多的旅遊景點。Here is a beautiful small mountain town. There are many tourist attractions.興隆最著名的就是我們現在所看的霧靈山。Xinglong is the most famous of which we now see the Wuling Mountain.它的海拔有2118米。It is 2118 meters above sea level. 接下來,是國家保護森林六裏坪 。Next, is the National Forest Protection Liu Liping美麗的九龍潭。Beautiful Jiulong lake. 神秘的溶洞,用了幾億年才形成。Mysterious cave, with hundreds of millions of years before the formation of. 有趣的奇石谷Interesting Kistler Valley。興隆有許多的特產,最出名的就是板栗和山楂。Xinglong has many speciality, the most famous is the chestnut and hawthorn.每年都有很多出口到國外。Every year there are many exported to foreign countries 近幾年,興隆被劃進了北京經濟圈In recent years, Xinglong was divided into the Beijing economic circle.。越來越多的人知道了這個小縣城More and more people know this small town.。很多國家領導都來過我們這裏。給了我們許多的幫助。Many national leaders have visited here. Gave us a lot of help我想我美麗的家鄉會越來越繁榮。歡迎妳們到我的家鄉去。I think my hometown will become more and more prosperous. Welcome you to my hometown.