1、Example:Can you give me an example of how to use this word in a sentence?可以給我壹個例子來說明這個詞怎麽用嗎?
2、Excitement:The crowd erupted with excitement when their team scored a goal。當他們的球隊進球時,觀眾們興奮地歡呼起來。
3、Experience:Traveling to different countries allows you to gain new experiences and perspectives。去不同的國家旅行可以讓妳獲得新的經歷和觀點。
4、Exercise:It is important to exercise regularly to maintain good health。定期鍛煉對於保持良好的健康非常重要。
5、Exhibition:The art exhibition at the museum showcased the works of renowned artists。博物館的藝術展覽展示了知名藝術家的作品。
6、Excuse:I am sorry,but I cant accept that excuse for not completing your homework。對不起,但我無法接受妳未完成家庭作業的借口。
7、Expand:The company plans to expand its operations internationally。公司計劃在國際上擴大業務。
8、Expert:She is considered an expert in the field of neuroscience。她被認為是神經科學領域的專家。
9、Explore:It is always exciting to explore new places and discover hidden gems。探索新的地方並發現隱藏的寶藏總是很令人興奮的。
10、Express:I wanted to express my gratitude for your help。我想表達我對妳的幫助的感激之情。