Can you guess what these messages mean?妳能猜猜這條短信的意思嗎?
I think we should sell it.我覺得我們應該賣了它
On the back wall is our class News Bulletin Board.我們的班級新聞公告板在後面的墻壁上。
He leaped with joy at the good news.聽到好消息,他高興地跳了起來。
You and your father have Until noon to collect your luggage. 妳和妳老爹,中午前回去卷鋪蓋走人
I can see you are a proud father.我看得出來妳是壹個自豪的父親
People now understand that they can have better control over a wide spectrum of relationships.人們已經認識到他們有能力對更大範圍內的關系保持良好的控制.
His report of the accident comprehended all the facts.他關於這次事故的報告包括了所有事實。
Freedom to trade has also brought huge benefits.自由貿易也已帶來巨大的好處。
The kids have messed the garden up.孩子們將花園搞得亂七八糟。
COME to my garden walk, 到我的花園裏漫步吧。
Can you differentiate this kind of rose from the others?妳能區分這種玫瑰和他種的不同嗎?
The smell made his mouth water.食物的味道使他直流口水。
Snow White was alone in the dark woods.白雪公主只身在黑暗的森林裏
Physical activity can spread the infection.壹些活動可能會擴散感染。
I want a CD about pop songs.我想要壹張流行歌曲光盤。