當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 短信平臺 - 求大神幫忙翻譯。急啊!!!!!!!



① Can you understand the begining of this essay? "My smmer hols wr CWOT.B4,we usd 2go2 NY 2C my bro,his GF@3 FTF."

妳能讀懂文章壹開始的這段話嗎?“My smmer hols wr CWOT.B4,we usd 2go2 NY 2C my bro,his GF@3 FTF“?

② The Scottish teacher who received it in class had no idea what the girl who wrote it meant. The essay was written in a form of English used in cell phone text messages.


③ Text messages (also called SMS) through cell phones became very popular in the late 1990s. At first, mobile phone companies thought that text messaging would be a good way to send messages to customers, but customers quickly began to use the text messaging service to send messages to each other.


④ Teenagers in particular enjoyed using text messaging, and they began to create a new language for messages called texting. A text message is limited to 160 characters,including letters,spaces,and numbers, so messages must be kept short. In addition, typing on the small keypad of a cell phone is difficult,so it's common to make words shorter.


⑤ In texting,a single letter or number can represent a word,like"r" for "are,""u" for "you," and"2" for "to". Several letters can also represent a phrase,like"lol" for "laughing out loud." Another characteristirc of texting is the leaving out of letters in a word,like spelling"please" as '"pls".


⑥ Some parents and teachers worry that texting will make children bad spellers and bad writers. The student who wrote the essay at the top of this page did writing that way was more comfortable for her (the essay said,"my summer holidays were a complete waste of time. Before, we used to go to New York to see my brother,his girlfriend,and their three kids face to face")


⑦ Not everyone agrees that texting is a bad thing. Some experts say languages always evolve, and this just another way for English to change; other people believe texting will disappear soon, new technology for voice messages may soon make text messages a thing

of the past.
