- Ready to work! 準備工作
- Hmmm? 恩?
- Yes? 是的?
- Something need doing? 要做點什麽嗎?
- What you want? 妳想要什麽?
- Okie dokie. 好的好的
- Be happy to. 很樂意
- Work, work. 幹活呀幹活
- I can do that. 我做的了
- Whhaaaaaattt? 什 麽?
- Me busy, leave me alone. 我很忙,別煩我
- No time for play. 沒時間玩耍
- Me not that kind of Orc. 我不是那種獸人
- [.vs 英雄] Why not? 為什麽不?
- I''ll try 我試壹下
- Get em! 扁他們!
- Ok 好!
- Owww! 喔
- My life for the Horde! 為部落而生!
- Yes? 是的?
- Huh? 哈?
- Master? 主人?
- What you want? 妳想要我幹什麽?
- Loktar! 獸人語
- Zugzug! 獸人語
- Dabu! 獸人語
- Swobu! 獸人語
- Why you poking me again? 為什麽又戳我?
- Why don''t you lead an army instead of touching me? 妳怎麽不去指揮部隊而壹直碰我?
- Poke, poke, poke, is that all you do? 戳戳戳,妳就會幹這個嗎?
- Eww, that was kind of nice. 呃,這還差不多
- Me so horned, me hurt you long time! 我有角,我會傷到妳的哦
- Me no sound like Yoda, do I? 我聽起來不象尤達(星戰系列),(以尤達的口氣)是嗎?
- It not easy being green... (用唱的) 綠皮膚可不簡單喲~
- [.vs 英雄] For the Horde! 為了部落!
- Hiyah! 嗨呀!
- Time for killing! 殺戮的時刻到了!
- Time to die! 去死吧!
- Venegence for Zulti 為Zul'jin報仇!(zul'jin是魔獸2中的巨魔族老大)
- Who you want me kill? 想讓我殺誰?
- What? 什麽?
- Wasch you want me do?* 想讓我幹嗎?(Wasch you=what you,讀讀看是不是這樣?)
- Wasch you want me go?* 想讓我去哪?(該是where''j you,參見battle.net creeps中的Forest troll頁)
- Ahhh! 啊!
- Anything you want 怎樣都行
- Joo got it man!* 了解了兄弟
- Yeah, hehe hehe hehe he! 耶~呵呵,呵呵,呵呵,呵!
- Wasch you bother me for?* 為什麽煩我
- Leave it to me, I take a big weight off your shoulders! 交給我吧,我給妳減輕負擔
- Schoo wanna buy a cigar?* (Schoo = you) 妳想來只煙嗎?
- Luuucyy!
- Say hello to my lil friend.跟我的小朋友說聲好
- [.vs 英雄] Asdingo! 獸人語
- Asdingo! 獸人語
- Don''t mess with the bad guy! 別惹我,我是個壞人!
- It''s time for a lil blood! 血債血償!
弩車 - (註解:音效全是噪音沒有文字 )
牛頭人 -
- May my ancestors watch over me! 願我的祖先註視著我!
- Bring it on! 來吧!
- I am able to help! 我幫的上忙
- How now! 現在怎麽樣?
- For the Tribes! 為了部落!
- Immediately! 馬上!
- Well done! 幹的好!
- Do not push me, or I wil impale you on my horns! 別推我,要不我會用我的角頂妳。
- Doubles!
- Got Milk? 要奶嗎?
- There''s a lot at stake here! 別的地方有很多樹樁!
- Hey, what are these letters burned on my ass? 嗨,在我PP上印的什麽字?
- Oh ley !**
- (玻璃碎裂) Sorry! 抱歉!
- [.vs 英雄] Ruuuuaahh! 喊聲
- Death to the enemies of the Horde! 部落的敵人受死吧!
- Death to the Enemy! 敵人受死吧!
- Start running! 逃跑吧!
- Euuhhhhh! 喊聲
狼騎兵- (趣味註解: 他的死亡音效文件名是''raiderdeath''但他叫做 ''wolfrider'' )
- Ready to ride! (狼的喘氣和吠叫聲) 狼騎就緒!
- Yes Cheiftan? (狼的喘氣聲) 是,酋長?
- Hmmmm? (狼的呻吟聲) 恩
- Need something? (狼的喘氣聲) 需要什麽嗎?
- Say the word! (狼的吠叫聲) 說啊!
- No problem! (狼的吠叫聲) 沒問題!
- Hi yah!* (狼的跑動聲) 嗨呀!
- Mush! (狼的跑動聲和呻吟聲)
- Let''s ride! (狼的跑動聲和呻吟聲) 沖吧!
- Down boy! (狼的吠叫聲) 下來,小孩!
- You''re annoying my dog! (狼的吠叫聲) 妳若惱我的狗了!
- What''s that smell? (狼的喘氣聲) Oh! Bad dog! (狼的哭叫聲) 那是什麽氣味?啊!壞狗狗!
- I''m hungry like the wolf! (狼的笑聲) (註解: 聽起來想狼的笑聲... 當然,如果它們能笑的話) (用唱的) 我餓的象頭狼!
- [.vs 英雄] For the glory of the War Chief! 為了酋長的榮耀!
- Sick em! (狼的咆哮聲)
- Taste my steel! (狼的吠叫聲) 嘗嘗我的鐵刃!
- For Doomhammer! (狼的吠叫聲) 為了毀滅之錘(壹個部落吧?)
- Ready to soar Master! 準備飛行,主人!
- Are there enemies above? 有敵人在天上嗎?
- Un double!*
- Sping Chieftan!* 正在偵察,酋長!
- I need order! 我需要命令!
- To the winds! 與風同行
- Let''s fly! 我們飛吧!
- Onward and upward! 向前,向上!
- Yee Haw! 呀呼~
- Peter! I can fly! Peter,我會飛了!Peter.
- I can see my house! 我看家我家房子了!
- The onnnly way to fly! 飛行的唯壹辦法
- I''m getting a little dizzy! 我有點頭暈了!
- Flash! (飛獸在咆哮) Ah ha ha! 閃光吧,啊哈哈!
- Fly the friendly skies! 飛向友好的天空!
- Look, up in the sky! It''s a bird! It''s a plane! It''s ME! 看天上,那是壹只鳥,那是壹架飛機,那是我!
- [.vs 英雄] Death to all who oppose the Horde! 擋我部落者死!
- Die! 死!
- Death from above! 空中者死!
- Victory for the Horde! 我族必勝!
- For the glory of the Horde! 為了部落的榮耀!
柯多獸- (趣味註解: 在遊戲和建造描述裏面它們都叫''Kodo'' 但是在音效文件裏面它們都叫 ''Koto'' ) 所有其他音效都是柯多獸的咆哮.
- Here comes the beast again! 野獸又回來啦!
薩滿法師 -
- Storm, Earth, and Fire, head my call! 風暴,大地,火焰,接受我的召喚吧!
- Yes? 是?
- Yes, War Chief? 是,酋長?
- How can I help? 要我怎麽幫忙?
- Direct me! 指引我吧!
- Understood! 了解!
- A wise plan! 明智的計劃!
- For the Horde! 為了部落!
- Right away! 馬上!
- You ever get hit by lightning where the sun don''t shine?妳曾在沒有太陽的地方被雷擊過嗎? (閃電聲) (註解: 哎喲!)
- Back off pup! 後退,小子!
- The sky is falling! 天空,正在墜落!
- Raindrops keep falling on my head! (用唱的) 雨水不停落在我的額頭~~
- No time for play, we have war to ! 沒有時間玩啦,我們有仗要打!
- Electrifying! 放電!
- Blame it on the rain! Huh ha ha! 怪那些雨水吧!哼哈哈哈!
- [.vs 英雄] I dedicate my power to the Horde! 為部落貢獻我的力量!
- Thunder! (雷鳴聲) 雷!
- Power to the Horde! 以部落的力量!
- Feel the ground trrremble!* 感受大地的顫抖吧!
- Lightning! (閃電聲) 電!
- Someone call for de doctor?* 有人召喚巫醫嗎?
- I hear de summons!* 我聽到了妳的呼喚!
- How may I serve? 我要怎樣服務?
- You sick, me help? 妳生病,我幫忙?
- What you be cravin?* 妳在渴望什麽?
- Pasdingo! 獸人語
- Ride eway!* (Right away!) 立刻!
- Da be good choice, man!* 正確的選擇,兄弟!
- E com bou com!* ** 獸人語
- Do you be feelin well?* 妳感覺好嗎?
- I may have somethin for ya!* 我可能有東西要給妳
- We be jammin! 有幹擾!
- It''s a cook book. A cook book! 這是壹本烹調書,壹本烹調書!
- Soil and grain is made from Trolls!
- [廣播員]: Fankuisan? [Fakuisan]: Yes? Go ahead. [廣播員]: What the Iron Troll is doing right now, is putting the heads in a pot. They have to boil for 20 minutes, so that the eyes can be used in a second dish, an eye and ra**erry sorbet. [女聲]: Mmmm! Sounds good! (可以清楚得聽見頭普通壹聲掉進水的聲音)
[廣播員]: Fankuisan? [Fakuisan]: 恩?說吧. [廣播員]: 現在武裝巨魔在做的就是把他們的頭放進壹個罐子裏.蒸他們20分鐘,然後眼睛就可以用在甜點上,壹個有眼睛的果汁冰糕. [女聲]: 恩~~~~聽起來不錯啊~!(可以清楚得聽見頭普通壹聲掉進水的聲音)
- [.vs 英雄] Ahhh! 啊!!
- I do it... Now! 現在就做!
- Blah aha hul!* ** 獸人語!
- Blah!
劍聖- (英雄,城鎮中心)
- I obey the six vengance!
- I am yours! 我屬於妳!
- Ohh! 噢!
- Yesa, Lord!* 是,主人!
- What task is there?有什麽任務?
- I hearo and obey!* 我聽從命令!(劍聖說的是日式英語……把r音發成魯等)
- Hai! 日語,嗨咿!
- Excellent choice! 完美的選擇!
- Yes, huh! 是,哈!
- Snatch the pebble from my hand, grasshopper!
- My a blade can cut through armor, and still cut a tomato!* 我的刀可以切穿盔甲,切到裏面的番茄(心臟)
- Twin blade action, for clean, close shave everytime! 看我的雙刀流……每次都可以把臉刮的很幹凈~(剔須刀呀?)
- Wasabi! 日語,芥末 (……劍聖整個壹日本武士)
=Attack Sounds=
- [.vs 英雄] For the burning Blade! 為了燃燒之刃
- Taste a* my blade! 嘗嘗我的利刃
- Ailease! *喊聲*
- Hooah! *吼聲*
先知- (英雄,城鎮中心)
- The future is ours! 未來屬於我們!
- My eyes are open. 我洞悉壹切
- Seeing is believing! 眼見為實
- Do you need my counsel? 需要我的忠告嗎?
- Destiny awaits. 命運在等待
- It is certain. 確信無疑
- Of course. 當然
- I see. 明白
- Watch out!
- I see dead people. 我看見死人了(開地圖秘籍哦,果然是farseer)
- Touch you tongue to mine! 敢用妳的舌頭舔我! (狼的呻吟聲)
- Concentrate and ask again. 思想集中壹點!再問我壹遍
- Outlook not so good. 前景不太理想(暗指微軟的outlook不太好用)
- Reply hazy. Try again! 回答的摸棱兩可,再說壹遍!
- [.vs 英雄] Spirits of Earth and Storm, strike! 大地與風暴的靈魂啊,攻擊吧!
- Strike! 進攻!
- Look out! 註意!
- Attack! 進攻!
牛頭人酋長- (英雄,城鎮中心)
- I have an axe to grind! 我有把斧子要磨
- I stand ready! 我準備好了
- Your command? 妳的命令?
- Your order? 妳的指示?
- What would you ask of me? 妳要我做什麽?
- Done! 完成!
- For my ancestors!為了我的祖先們!
- An excellent plan! 好計劃!
- Yes Chieftan? 是,酋長?(他自己也是酋長哦)
- Mmmm. My back is killing me! 唔,我的後背要了我的命。
- I need to take a load off! 我需要減輕負荷。
- Rrrrggg! I think I have a splinter! 呃啊~~~~我想我的骨頭碎了!
- These poles are heavy, I should find someone else to tote em!這些柱子好沈啊,我該找別的人來背它(找個真人來作我的圖騰)
- I used to have to go to war uphills, both ways!我以前打仗的時候還得上坡,兩個方面……
- Your way, right away! 壹是妳上,二是馬上
- [.vs 英雄] For the War Chief and the Tribes! 為了酋長和部落!
- For the Tribes! 為了部落!
- Honorguide me!* 榮譽引導著我!
- None shall pass! 把命留下!