我愛妳--I love you
我喜歡妳--I like you
我想妳--I miss you
我愛妳妳知道嗎,從我第壹天見到妳就愛上了妳 I love you, do you know that I fell in love with you when I saw you on the first day?
我愛妳我親愛的老婆,我將會用我的壹生來愛妳疼妳呵護妳 I love you, my dear wife, I will use my life to love you, hurt you, care for you.
我想對妳說,我愛妳,妳可以做我的女朋友嗎 I want to tell you, I love you, can you be my girlfriend?
我喜歡這豪華、如夢如幻、金碧輝煌的威尼斯人酒店。 I like this luxurious, dreamy, splendid Veian hotel.
我喜歡金色的秋天,喜悅的笑臉洋溢在農民伯伯的臉上 I like the golden autumn, and the *** ile of joy overflows the face of the peasant uncle.
下輩子很長,因為不壹定遇見妳;這輩子很短,因為有妳相伴走。短信雖短,言不盡情感,道不清期盼。520日道壹句:親愛的,我想妳了 The next life is very long, because you may not meet you; this life is very short, because you are accompanied. Although the short message is short, the words are not full of emotions, and the road is unclear. 520 words: Dear, I miss you.
走著走著,就散了,回憶都淡了;忙著忙著,就累了,天空也暗了;睡著睡著,就醒了,開始憂愁了;睜眼發現,妳不見了,突然我亂了,原來,我想妳了 Walking and walking, it was gone, the memories were light; busy, tired, the sky was dark; when I fell asleep, I woke up and started to worry; I blinked and found that you were gone, suddenly I am confused, it turns out, I miss you.
鵲橋飛架南北,妳我***度良辰,我的寶貝,我想妳! 鵲橋飛架北北, you and me together, my baby, I miss you!