當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 短信平臺 - 平安夜祝福語有那些?英文的



1、Have a blissful evening, dear friend。 May you have a great time and delicious dinner with family祝妳晚上愉快,親受的朋友。祝妳和家人度過愉快的時光和享用美味的晚餐。

2、Merry Christmas Eve, everyone。 Wherever you are and whatever you do, | hope your Christmas Eve is joyous大家平安夜快樂。無論妳身在何處,無論妳做什麽,我都希望妳的平安夜快樂。

3、May you have a warming Christmas evening and a glorious morning。 Merry Christmas願妳的平安夜閃閃發光,聖誕節熠熠生輝。聖誕快樂。

4、wish your home gets flld with warmth and love on the night before Christmas。 Have a wonderful Christmas evening我希望妳的家在聖誕節的前夜充滿溫暖和愛。祝妳平安夜愉快。

5、The best gift of life is to be with family and friends at one table enjoying the best of cuisines。 Happy Christmas Eve人生最好的禮物就是和家人朋友在同壹張桌子上享受美味佳肴,平安夜快樂。