"Received" 是最基本的表達方式,直接表示"已經收到"。這個詞可以用在書信、郵件、短信、包裹等各種場合中。例如:
I received your email yesterday. 我昨天收到了妳的郵件。
The package was received by the recipient this morning. 包裹今天早上被收件人收到了。
Got it
"Got it" 是口語中常用的表達方式,表示"我已經收到了"或"我明白了"。這個表達方式通常用在電話、對話、即時通訊等場合中。例如:
A: Can you send me the file? 妳能把文件發給我嗎?
B: Sure, I'll send it to you right away. Got it. 當然,我會馬上給妳發。好的,我明白了。
"Acknowledge" 表示"確認收到",通常用在正式的商務或法律文件中。例如:
Please acknowledge receipt of this letter by return mail. 請立即回信確認收到這封信。