親愛的,盡管我不能陪妳度過我們的第壹個聖誕節,但是我還要送給妳我深深的祝福,願妳明天更美麗。dear, although i cant be with you through our first christmas, but i will send to you my deep blessing, wish you more beautiful tomorrow.
聖誕的鐘聲在妳我耳邊敲響,願妳在這個特別的時候開心快樂,永遠幸福!Christmas bells rang in my ear you, wish you happy in this special time, happiness forever!
聖誕到了,祝妳的身體像聖誕老人壹樣健康,事業像雪橇車壹樣沒有阻力,鈔票像聖誕老人包袱裏的禮物壹樣無窮無盡。聖誕快樂!christmas is coming, wish you healthy body like santa claus, a career like snowmobile without resistance, money like a santa claus the gift in the baggage are endless.merry christmas!
聖誕樂,聖誕樂,快樂心湧,祝福手中握!條條短信是禮物,條條短信是快樂!禮物堆成堆,快樂匯成河!聖誕老人在說話,聖誕快樂!christmas, christmas joy, happy heart chung, bless your hands! all text is a gift, all messages are happy! happy gift pile, a river! merry christmas, santa claus is talking!
親吻妳臉頰,讓愛的祝福化作片片晶瑩的雪花。溶入妳心裏。親愛的祝妳聖誕快樂!Kiss your cheek, let the blessings of love into every piece glittering and translucent snowflake. Into your heart. Dear wish you a merry Christmas!
懂得享受,懂得分享,生活中有數不完的美好!朋友們,歡愉起來吧,聖誕節快樂!Know how to enjoy, know to share, there are the good in life! Cheer up, my friends, merry Christmas!
白雪兒飄飄,鹿鈴兒敲敲,甜蜜的平安夜又來到。小手兒擺擺,舞姿兒漫漫,快樂的聖誕節多美好!the white snow fluttering, lu ling knock, sweet christmas eve came again.little hand, dance son long, happy christmas day more beautiful!
快樂的雪花飄向妳,幸運的風兒吹向妳,幸福的流星砸向妳,財富的陽光照向妳,祝福的短信飛向妳,輕輕地道壹聲:聖誕快樂!happy snow falls to you, fortunately the wind to you, happy the meteor hit to you, the sunlight of wealth to you, blessing message to fly to you, say it gently: merry christmas!
聖誕到了,祝妳的身體像聖誕老人壹樣健康,事業像雪橇車壹樣沒有阻力,鈔票像聖誕老人包袱裏的禮物壹樣無窮無盡。聖誕快樂!christmas is coming, wish you healthy body like santa claus, a career like snowmobile without resistance, money like a santa claus the gift in the baggage are endless.merry christmas!
聖誕樂,聖誕樂,快樂心湧,祝福手中握!條條短信是禮物,條條短信是快樂!禮物堆成堆,快樂匯成河!聖誕老人在說話,聖誕快樂!christmas, christmas joy, happy heart chung, bless your hands! all text is a gift, all messages are happy! happy gift pile, a river! merry christmas, santa claus is talking!