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Zhou Ji, the word Tycoon, Luoyang people. Wing-lok, with Juren into the Imperial College, Li Du Chayuan matter. Liu Yushi view all

Recommended for Yushi, Guci. Xuande, are granted, Jiangxi Secretary things off. In the difficult, Huguang up. In the early orthodox, Yu Shi pull out.

Datong guard official in order to hear arrogant, Albrecht relief to the honest. Francis served negative change their salary into the house, do not like law, also reported that the

Imperial University of Kerry. Has, Xunan Sichuan. Wisconsin Tuguan Min, Wang Xiang killings, Governor Chao Ji officers and soldiers into the discussion. Francis said:

"An imperial court Sui Yuan, and then ask incoming sign." Chi dispatch of the encyclical, the solution was. For a 11-year Zhifu Anqing, the age of

Gordon is not over, the children of civil sufficient vend food, clothing, who left Ark phase. Relief food to the channels through vibration, and the ban on those who sell their children.

Shang Shu and requested a rent-free, Chao promised, all live very public. Also set for the funerals, cut wasteful expenses, funeral fault marry a view to punishment,

A custom variable.

Su-hungry rich plunder, robbery wealthy to come. Francis ordered: "starve the people so that, when the newspaper ran a valley too

Shou, in full compensation contemporary Seoul. "Who was swept to dissolve. Relief official single, everyone cried Lane strike cloud

周濟,字大亨,洛陽人。明永樂年中,憑舉人的身份進入太學,任職都察院。都禦史 劉觀 推他薦做 禦史,他堅決推辭。宣德時,授官為 江西 都司 斷事。艱歸(守孝完畢歸朝),補任湖廣地區官員。正統初年,提拔為 禦史。大同 鎮守 中官以驕傲蠻橫聞名,皇帝下令讓周濟去考察他的廉潔情況。周濟改換裝束背著柴草進入他家中,全部收集到他違法的情況,回朝報告皇帝,皇帝大大嘉獎了他。之後,巡行考察四川。威州 土官 董敏、王允 互相仇殺,皇帝下詔讓周濟監督著官兵進兵討伐。周濟說:"朝廷安撫遠方的人,,應該先撫慰再征伐。"派兵騎馬傳檄文通告他們,於是得到事情解決。十壹年出任安慶知府,當地近年年成不好,民間賣子女充抵衣食,開走的買人口的船只前後相接。周濟借來漕運的糧食賑濟災民,並禁止賣兒賣女。而且上奏章請求免除租稅,皇帝下詔允許,保全救活的百姓非常多。又替當地制定婚喪嫁娶的制度,禁止奢侈浪費,拖延嫁娶喪葬日期的人有處罰,風俗為之壹改。
