What a disappointment!
I didn't get a raise. What a disappointment! (沒有給我提薪,真讓人失望!)
That's too bad. (太遺憾了。)
What a let down!
I'm disappointed with it.
This is disappointing.(這真令人掃興。)
What a pity!
I couldn't go. (我沒去成。)
What a pity. (太遺憾了。)
What a shame!
What a shame! (多倒黴!)
Isn't it though? (就是呀!)
What a bummer!
Bummer! *口語中用來表示事情的進展不像自己所想象的那樣。
Too bad! (太糟糕了。)
I failed the exam. (我考砸了。)
Too bad. (太糟糕了。)
That's too bad!
It was a waste of effort. *waste “浪費”、“白搭”,effort表示“努力”、“費盡力氣”。
It was a waste of my effort.
My effort was wasted.
All my effort went down the drain.
a wild-goose chase *wild goose表示“過路的大雁”,chase意為“追趕”。會話中常用。
Did you find him. (妳找到他了嗎?)
No, he led me on a wild-goose chase. (沒有,白費了半天勁。)
All that for nothing. *事情進展得不那麽順利時,表示“我費了那麽大的勁兒,我作出了那麽多的努力,可是……”。
It was all a waste.
It was all for nothing.
You let me down.
I'm sorry I didn't come to your wedding. (對不起,我沒能參加妳的婚禮。)
Yeah, you let me down. (是啊,我很失望。)
You disappointed me.
I blew it. *常用俚語,表示“失敗”、“失策”、“幹了壹件蠢事”。
I blew it. I lost the customer. (我真失策,失去了那個客戶。)
Make sure it doesn't happen again. (再也不要發生這樣的事了。)
I screwed up.
I messed up. (我給搞砸了。)
It's all my fault. (全都是我的錯。)
It can't be helped.
There's nothing you can do about it. (這事壹點兒辦法都沒有。)
It's a waste of time.
How was it? (怎麽樣?)
It was a waste of time talking to him. (跟他談話,純屬浪費時間。)
Almost! *用來表示幾乎就要成功了。
Almost! (差不多了!)
Nice try. (幹得不錯。)
I feel sad.
What's wrong? (怎麽了?)
I feel sad. (我感到悲傷。)
I'm sad.
I'm unhappy.
I feel really sad.
I'm really sad.
I'm really unhappy.
Oh, dear!
My dog died. (我的狗死了。)
Oh, dear! (哦!天哪!)
Oh, my!
Alas! *舊的說法。
Boohoo. *用在大聲哭泣時,嗚嗚地哭。
My heart broke.
I felt heart broken.
My heart has been filled with grief. *be filled with... 表示“充滿……”,grief 表示“極度悲傷”、“悲嘆”。
The sad story depressed me. *depress 表示“使消沈,使沮喪”。
The sad story really brought me down. *bring...down “使……灰心喪氣”。
How ruthless!
She stole my customer. (她搶走了我的客人。)
How ruthless! (真殘忍!)
How uncaring!
How cruel!
No one can understand how I really feel.
Please talk to me. (請跟我說說吧。)
No one can understand how I really feel. (沒人能明白我的真實感受。)
No one can relate to me.
Nobody understands my feelings.
I feel lonely.
I feel lonely without my husband. (丈夫不在,我感到很寂寞。)
He'll be back next week. (他下個星期就會回來。)
I'm lonely.
I feel all alone.
I hate being alone.
I don't mind being alone.
I miss you. *miss 表示“因某人不在而覺得寂寞”,I miss you含有I want to see you(我想見到妳)和I want to be with you(我想和妳在壹起)這兩種心情。
I miss you. (我想念妳。)
I miss you, too. I'll be home soon. (我也想妳,我馬上就會回去的。)
I feel lonely without you.
I feel helpless without you. (沒有妳,我感到無助。)
I feel empty. *empty表示“缺少內容的,缺乏價值的,沒有意義的”。
My son died, now I feel empty. (我兒子去世了,我心裏空蕩蕩的。)
I'm sorry to hear that. (真是太不幸了。)
I feel incomplete. *incomplete(不完全的)在這裏表示“內心不充實”的狀態,比I feel empty.更強調空虛。
My life is empty.
My life is meaningless. (我的人生毫無意義。)
I'm all alone in this world. (在這個世界上我總是孤獨的。)
I don't feel satisfied with my life. (我對我的生活並不滿意。)
Alone at last.
I'm finally alone.
I'm depressed.
I'm depressed. I lost my job. (我很沮喪,因為我失去了工作。)
Cheer up! You'll get a new job. (打起精神來!妳壹定能找到新工作。)
I feel blue.
I feel low.
I feel really down.
I've got the blues today. *blue表示“憂郁的”,blues表示“郁悶,憂郁癥”。
I feel down in the dumps today.
It's depressing.
No one understands me. It's depressing. (沒人能理解我,真讓人泄氣。)
Don't talk like that! I understand you. (別那樣說,我理解妳。)
It's sad. (真可悲。)
It makes me feel depressed. (這使我感到悶悶不樂。)
Rainy days get me down.
Rainy days make me sad.
I feel blue on rainy days.
I don't feel like doing anything.
I don't feel like doing anything today. (我今天什麽都不想幹。)
Come on! Let's get moving. (好了好了,咱們趕快點兒吧。)
I don't have any enthusiasm for life. (這輩子沒什麽能讓我提起興趣來。)
He looks melancholy.
He has a melancholy look.
He looks gloomy today. *gloomy 常用來形容“(天氣等的)陰沈沈的”,在此表示“煩悶、憂郁的感覺”。
I give up.
Let's play another game. (我們再玩另壹個遊戲吧。)
You're too good for me. I give up. (妳也玩得太好了,我不玩了。I fold. *用於玩撲克時。
I raise you $20. (〔玩牌時的賭博〕再加20美元。)
I fold. (我不玩了。)
I give in.
I can't help it. *當帶有can時,help表示“避開”、“抑制”、“控制”,所以I can't help it 表示“不得不這樣做”、“無法回避”。
You should stop smoking. (妳該戒煙了。)
I can't help it. (戒不了啊。)
There's nothing I can do about it.
Not a chance! *用於沒有可能性時。
Would you lend me ¥5,000? (妳能借給我5000日元嗎?))
Not a chance! (沒戲。)
No chance at all.
Fat chance.
No way. (根本不可能。) *否定語氣,非常強烈,是不禮貌的說法。
That's the way it goes.
The game is canceled because of the rain. (因為下雨所以比賽取消了。)
That's the way it goes. (沒辦法呀。)
I have no clue. *clue 表示“線索”、“頭緒”。
Do you know who stole it? (妳知道是誰偷的嗎?)
I have no clue. (毫無線索。)
I don't have any idea.
I don't have a clue.
I haven't a clue.
I'm throwing in the towel. *throw in the towel原是拳擊用語,日常會話時常用來表示“認輸”。
I'll never win. I'm throwing in the towel. (我贏不了妳,我認輸了。)
Don't give up so early. (別那麽快就認輸。)
I'm giving up.
It's hopeless.
It's hopeless. (沒希望了。)
Don't give up yet. (別灰心!)
It's impossible.
Better than nothing. *句子開頭的It's被省略。
I only have five dollars. (我只有5美元。)
Well, it's better than nothing. (可總比沒有強吧。)
It was fate. *fate “逃脫不了的命運,註定的命運”。
How did you meet? (妳們怎麽認識的?)
It was fate. (這就是命運呀!)
It was meant to be.
It's my destiny.
It's history. *表示“已經沒有了”、“是過去的事了”。
I thought you loved him. (我想妳很愛他。)
We broke up. It's history. (我們分手了,壹切都成為過去了。)
It's all over.
It's in the past.
It's done with.
It beats me.
What's the answer? (答案是什麽?)
It beats me. (不知道。)
I have no idea.
I don't know.
I have no other choice but to do so.
Why are you doing it? (妳為什麽做這樣的事呢?)
I have no other choice but to do so. (除此之外我別無選擇。)
I have no other choice. (我沒有別的選擇。)
It's my only choice.
I have to. (我不得不做。)
I no longer feel devoted to this company. *devote 表示“把(努力、金錢、時間等)貢獻、花費在(工作、目的上)”。
I no longer feel attached to this company. (我已經感覺不到這個公司的對我的引吸力。)
I don't feel loyal to this company any longer. (我再也不會對這個公司忠心耿耿的了。)
That figures.
We have to work overtime again. (我們還得再加班。)
That figures. (果不其然。)
That makes sense.
No wonder. (不足為奇。)
That explains it.
That's why. (怪不得。)
It is just as I imagined.
What do you think? (妳認為如何?)
It is just as I imagined. (正如我所想像的那樣。)
It's just like I dreamed.
It's exactly the way I thought it would be.
See, didn't I tell you so?
I shouldn't have done that. (我真不該做那事。)
See, didn't I tell you so? (瞧,我不早告訴妳了嗎?)
See, I told you!
I told you, didn't I?
See, I'm right. (瞧,我是對的吧。)
You should have listened to me. (妳早該聽我的。)
Good for you.
I lost. (我輸了。)
Good for you. (這是當然的。)
Serves you right. *serve...right 短語,表示“當然的報應”。
I got a speeding ticket. (我超速挨罰了。)
Serves you right. (活該!)
Well, you got what you deserved.
Well, that'll teach you a lesson.
That serves you right.
You deserve it.
You asked for it.
You were asking for it.
You got what was coming to you.
You never know.
I'll never win the lottery. (我肯定中不了獎。)
You never know. (很難說。)
Anything could happen. (什麽事都可能發生。)
You can't be too sure. (什麽事都可能發生。)
No wonder.
She's tired. (她累了。)
No wonder. (這不足為奇。)
That makes sense. *make sense “合乎道理”、“理所當然”。
It makes sense.
Ah, I get it. (啊,知道。)
That's why...
She's very busy. (她非常忙。)
That's why she's so tired. (難怪她會很累。)
I shouldn't have done it. *用“shouldn't have+過去分詞”表示類似責備或斥責的心情,“不該……”、“要是沒……”。
Oh, no! I shouldn't have done it. (哦,不!我要是不那樣就好了。)
What did you do? (妳幹什麽了?)
That was a mistake. (那是壹個錯誤。)
I blew it. (我失敗了。)
I wish I hadn't done that.
I really screwed up this time. (這次我真的給弄糟了。)
I really messed up. (我給搞糟了。)
I should have known better. (我早該弄清楚壹些。)
I shouldn't have said that. *用於說了不該說的話時。
I shouldn't have said that. (我要是不說那話就好了。)
It's too late now. (現在後悔也晚了。)
I wish I wouldn't have said that.
I should have known.
He's married. (他已經結婚了。)
I should have known. (我早該知道了。)
I acted like a fool.
I should have known better. (我早該弄清楚了。)
It was careless of me to do so. *careless 表示“沒註意的”、“漫不經心的”、“粗心大意的”。
It was thoughtless of me to do such a thing.
It was hasty of me to do so.
I was careless. (我太粗心大意了。)
I regret doing that.
I regret doing that. (我後悔我做的事。)
I know what you mean. (我明白妳的意思。)
I regret my action(s).
I repent my action(s).
I am sorry for what I have done.
I had no choice.
Why did you drive my car? (妳為什麽開我的車?)
I had no choice. (我別無他法。)
I couldn't help it.
I had no other choice.
I had no choice in the matter.
There was nothing else I couldn't have done.
It was my only choice.
I went too far. *比較常用的固定短語。
You shouldn't have done that. (妳不該那樣做。)
I know, I went too far. (我知道,我做得太過分了。)
I overdid it.
I was too nervous. *也可用來辯解。
Did you ask her out? (妳約她了嗎?)
No, I was too nervous. (沒有,我太緊張了。)
I was too uptight.
I wish I had studied harder.
I regret not studying harder. (我後悔沒有更努力學習。)
I should have studied harder.
I should have asked him.
I should have asked him. (我要是問他壹下就好了。)
Why didn't you? (那妳為什麽不問呢?)
I wish I had asked him.
It would have been better to have asked him.
It slipped my mind.
Did you remember to tell her? (妳沒忘了告訴她吧?)
Sorry, it slipped my mind. (對不起,我不小心給忘了。)
I just forgot.
I forgot all about it. (我忘得壹幹二凈。)