-By the way...
By the way, do you have any cups that I can use? 順便問壹下,妳還有沒有多余的杯子(可以讓我用的)?
-Just saying... but
Just saying, but do you have any cups that I can use? 只是問壹下,但妳有沒有多余的杯子 (可以讓我用的 )?
-Just in case... but
Just in case, but do you have any cups that I can use? 以防萬壹問壹下,妳還有沒有多余的杯子(可以讓我用的)?
註:Just saying 也可以用作是“只是說說而已”的意思。
A: "So I guess the thing was going pretty well?"
B: "What?!"
A: "Just saying. :P"