Hello, is everything going on well with you , what aboutyour graduation, have you found a good job,I am fine here, If you are free you can come to visit me, I will be very glad to see you
I will go out to traver some days later, but i d\know little about other places custom, could you give me some advise such as the culture and custom in your place. thankyou in advance!
whatare you doing these days , and everything goes on well with you recently.The New year is coming, We are going to have a party for taht, will you be free to come here and join us!
How about you study recently!I know you are a good student , you must study hard and well. I am doing well in mystudy especially my english!i always get a good mark in my class in English!i think learning english is not a great problen if you really use a good method!
i always read book loudly in the morning and I always think pf things in English!always listen to English programes.I think we should read often ,write often and speak often, then we will learn English well
I am fine now!i just writh to you to ask for your help! I am learning English hard, but I want to buy an Englush grammer book, I can't find it in any bookshop in my city!would you please buy it for mr if there is in your city!thank you, The booki XXXXX
I have register in the CET-4 exam and soon the exam is coming, It is my first time to do it, I heard that it is very hard,Co you give me some avdvice on how to prepare for it, and what books i should buy!