當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 勵志說說 - 誰有《穿靴子的貓之萌貓三劍客》的英文臺詞?急用,謝謝!


穿靴子的貓 在金鵝之後的冒險日子裏. In the days following my adventures with the Golden Goose, 我走到了壹個人生的十字路口 I found myself at a crossroads. 我註定要成為亡命之徒 還是英雄? Was I destined to be an outlaw... or a hero? 我不得而知 I did not know. 我只能確定壹件事 Only one thing was certain. 我是劍客靴貓 I am Puss In Boots! 妳是劍客靴貓嗎 Are you Puss In Boots? 我是 I am... 不是 No. 真是沒天理了 我到底犯了什麽法 This is outrageous! What am I charged with, anyway? 妳們肯定捉錯貓咪了 Because I'm pretty sure you got the wrong gato.亞歷山德拉·貝拉岡巴公主駕到 Presenting Princess Alessandra Bellagamba! 公主殿下 草民懇求您的寬恕 Your Majesty, I throw myself upon your mercy. 肅靜Silencio! 我的心被偷走了 My Heart has been stolen. 草民冤枉啊 草民與您素昧平生 I am innocent. I've never seen you before in my life. 不是 靴子先生 No, Signore Boots. 熔火之心紅寶石 不見了 The Heart of Fire ruby is missing. 它是我王冠上的寶石 It is the crown jewel of my kingdom. 現在王冠上只剩下個洞了 Now there is only a hole where the Heart once was. 我想雇妳把寶石找回來給我 I want to hire you to find the Heart and bring it back to me. 您想雇我 You want to hire me? 是的 妳勇敢無懼 威名遠播 Yes. Your reputation is that of a cat who fears nothing. 沒錯 正是在下 Yep. This is me. 閃開 Back off! 那麽 好好跟我說說 So, tell me more. 寶石是被那個臭名昭著的法蘭西盜賊偷的 The Heart was stolen by the notorious French thief, -Le Chuchoteur -啥 - Le Chuchoteur. - Le what? Chuchoteur指喜歡竊竊私語的人 Le Chuchoteur 耳語大盜 Le Chuchoteur. The Whisperer. 我們為啥要耳語 Why are we whispering? 那是他的名字 That is his name! 妳壹定要找到他 You must find him. 妳想要什麽都行 I'll pay you anything. 不錯 Yeah. 您的淚水足以支付我的費用了 Your tears are payment enough. 謝謝 謝謝 Grazie! Grazie! 靴子先生 耳語大盜作案時 Signore Boots, during the robbery 我們捉獲了他的三個跟班 we captured three of The Whisperer's henchmen. 只有他們才知道他的秘密巢穴在哪 They are the only ones who know the location of his secret hideout, 但他們守口如瓶 but they will not talk. 我是專業開瓶器啊 I will make them talk. 食物Food. 水 Water! 廁紙 Toilet paper. 我得提醒妳 I must warn you, 他們是我們遇到過的最窮兇極惡的傭兵 these are the most vile and ferocious mercenaries we have ever encountered. 我是無所畏懼的 劍客靴貓 I am Puss In Boots. I fear nothing! 開門 Open up! -開玩笑嗎 -沒開玩笑 他們是魔鬼 - Is this a joke? - It's no joke! They are devils. 這些家夥 These guys? 先生 要是這三個魔頭幫妳 Signore, if these diablos help you 找到了耳語大盜的秘密巢穴 find The Whisperer's secret hideout, 我就賜予他們自由 I will grant them their freedom. 怎麽樣 貓咪們 願意幫忙嗎 So, kitties, will you help Puss? 公主 您的寶石如探囊取物了 Princesa, your ruby is as good as found. 妳們給貓叔我指出耳語大盜住在哪裏 You show Uncle Pusswhere The Whisperer lives. 稍後 我們就去吃炸魚排 Later, we will all go out for fish sticks! 我知道妳想玩兒 但是 I know you want to play, but... 妳在幹什... Hey, hey, what are you...? 不 No! 等等 這是我的東西 Wait! Those are mine! 別 No! 快停下 貓貓們 Stop it! Gatos! 我的名聲要臭了 This is very bad for my reputation. 祈求上帝保佑吧 魔頭們 Pray for mercy... diablos! 什麽 What? 有沒有搞錯 Why did you do that? 妳們別想吃炸魚排了 No fish sticks for you! 天壹亮 妳們就會重歸牢獄 永無天日 In the morning, you are going back to jail forever. 想想妳們的媽媽 她會多麽失望 Think of your mama. She's going to be very disappointed. 妳們沒有媽媽 You have no mama. 我早該想到,妳們是孤兒. I should have known. You are orphans. 小家夥們 其實我也是 Well, little ones, so am I. 身邊沒有可信之人 I know it's hard to grow up 成長很艱難 when you don't know who to trust. 相信我 Believe me. 我曾被最好的朋友背叛 I was betrayed by my very best friend. 他是個蛋 He was an egg. 他把我引上歧途 He led me down the wrong path... 就像耳語大盜對妳們做的壹樣 ...just as this Whisperer has done to you. 小家夥們 妳們需要的 What you need, pequenos, 是有人給妳們指引正確的方向 is for someone to point you in the right direction... 像我這樣的人 ...someone like me. 我將稱妳為珍珠 獨壹無二的珍寶 And I shall call you Perla, because you are one of a kind. 而妳 叫戰 And you, Gonzalo, 因為妳爭強好勝的性格 for your scrappy temper. 而妳就叫 And you will be... 蒂莫泰奧·蒙特納哥三世爵士 ...Sir Timoteo Montenegro the Third. 有時候 妳只需要壹個頭銜 Because sometimes a title is all you need. 現在集合 妳們有很多要學的 Now gather around, for you have much to learn from... 靴貓劍術 ...Puss In Boots. 從那以後 藤蔓長啊長啊 And after that, the vine grew and grew, 直上雲霄 壹直到達巨人之地 straight up into the clouds... to the Land of Giants. 今晚的故事就是這樣了 我的小家夥們 And that is all for tonight, my pequenos. 秘密巢穴 The secret hideout. 我就是耳語大盜 I am The Whisperer. 什麽 ?Qué 我就是 I am The... 再說壹次 行嗎 夥計 One more time, OK, buddy? -我就是耳語大盜 -妳就是耳語大盜 - I am The Whisperer. - You are The Whisperer? 是的 我是 Yes, I am. 很好 我是來要回熔火之心紅寶石的 Good. I've come to take back the Heart of Fire ruby. 什麽 What? 妳們把他帶來這 You brought him here. 妳們會為背叛我付出巨大代價 You will pay dearly for betraying me, 妳們這些不聽話的貓咪 you naughty cats. 先過了我這關再說 You have to get through me first! 快跑 小貓們 別回頭 Run, kittens, and don't look back! 壞貓咪 Bad kittens. 不 No! 堅持住 Hang on! 好吧 就這樣了 Oh, well. That's that. 我們成功了 We did it! 現在 咱們吃炸魚排去吧 Now, it is time for fish sticks! 靴子先生 我代表王國感謝您 Signore Boots, the kingdom thanks you. 賞 Reward him. 不 不 太多了 Oh, no, no. This is too much. 妳弄掉了壹個 蠢貨 Hey, you dropped one! Idiota. 我有壹份禮物要送給您 And I have a gift for you. 您的全新私人衛隊 Your new personal guard. 沒事的 他們現在變得好多了 It's OK. They are much better now. 謝謝 Thank you. 現在 我得走了 Now, I have to go. 謝謝 我的小小朋友 妳們讓我明白 Gracias, my little friends, for you have shown me 伸張正義榮耀無比 there is glory, 有時還能得到金幣 and sometimes gold, in doing the right thing. 妳 蒂莫 And you, Timmy, 定會在貓砂盤裏找到金幣的 will definitely find gold in your litter box. 保重 我的小劍客們 Be good... my kids in boots. 只是過敏 Allergies. 再見 Arrivederci! 我不會忘了妳們的 I will never forget you, 就像我知道妳們不會忘了這個名字壹樣 just as I know you will never forget the name 劍客靴... Puss In...