當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 勵志說說 - 英語作文,大神有木有? 1.題目:妳最喜歡的人是誰?他哪些方面值得妳學習?說說妳和他相同或

英語作文,大神有木有? 1.題目:妳最喜歡的人是誰?他哪些方面值得妳學習?說說妳和他相同或

My best friend whose name is Luo and who i like best.He is very tall and cool . he alawys wears sport cloths and NIKE sport shoes.He likes playing basketball with his friends.His study is very good and alawys gets the best garde in our classroom .I sometimes ask him some questions what I feel very difficuty. Each time he tells me very carfully.His best habby is playing table tennis as the same as mine.Now,I find my touble is very shy and I never tell him that I like him for long time.l try to be more blieve in myself .