man
is
not
old
as
long
as
he
is
seeking
something.
man
is
not
old
until
regrets
take
the
place
of
dreams.
只要壹個人還有追求,他就沒有老。知道後悔取代了夢想,壹個人才算老。
For
all
pain
helps
to
make
us
rise,
however
much
we
may
hate
it
at
the
time.
壹切痛苦都有助於我們奮發向上,不論我們當時是多麽憎恨它。
Life
is
a
test
and
this
world
a
place
of
trial.
Always
the
problems
-
or
it
may
be
the
same
problem
will
be
presented
to
every
generation
in
different
forms.
人生是壹種考驗,而這個世界就是考場。每壹代都要面對壹些問題
--
可能是相同的問題
--
只不過問題的形式不同。
Wish
you
an
endless
view
to
cheer
your
eyes,
then
one
more
story
mount
and
higher
rise.
欲窮千裏目,更上壹層樓。
The
darkest
hour
is
that
before
the
dawn.
黎明之前最黑暗。
No
road
of
flowers
lead
to
glory.
沒有壹條通往光榮的道路是鋪滿鮮花的。