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We never know the love of the parent till we become parents ourselves. (除非我們自己當父母,不然我們不會知道父母的愛)

Henry Ward Beecher

The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. (父親能為自己的孩子做的最重要的事情就是去愛孩子的媽媽)

Theodore M. Hesburgh

Sooner or later we all quote our mothers. (我們馬上就會開始引用媽媽說過的話了。)

Bern Williams

Your parents, they give you your life, but then they try to give you their life. (父母開始給了我們生命,然後他們把他們的壹生也給了我們)

Chuck Palahniuk

The most important thing she'd learned over the years was that there was no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one. (壹個母親壹生學到最重要的事情是世界上沒有成為壹個完美母親的方法,擔憂壹百萬種成為好母親的方法)

Jill Churchill

If your parents never had children, chances are you won't, either. (如果妳父母沒有孩子,妳有孩子的機會也沒有了。。 這句有點神經。)

Dick Cavett

A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary. (母親不是讓妳依靠的, 是教會妳每必要的時候不去依靠她。)--就是學會獨立

Dorothy C. Fisher

The art of mothering is to teach the art of living to children. (當母親的藝術是交給孩子生活)

Elain Heffner

My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it. (老媽壹直和我有矛盾,但是我覺得她很喜歡和我有矛盾。)

Mark Twain

Some are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers, but it is love just the same. (有些母親經常罵人,有些母親經常鼓勵人, 但是母愛都是壹樣的)

Pearl Buck

There are times when parenthood seems nothing more than feeding the hand that bites you. (有時當父母就是去餵養咬妳的孩子--- 表面上是這樣,意思是孩子有時候會反過來傷害關心自己的人。 )

Peter De Vries

我選了幾個好的給妳。 名人名言, 希望對妳有用:)