More than any other entrepreneur, Bill Gates is the reason you"re using a personal computing device to look at this story right now. For that, he became the world"s richest man. Now, Gates is no longer the world"s richest man because he"s busy spending his money trying to save the world from disease and poor education.When someone who has done, and is doing, such an incredible things – and has something to say – it"s worth listening。
妳能用個人電腦來看這篇文章,這就要歸功於比爾-蓋茨,因此他能成為世界首富,而不是其他人。現在,比爾-蓋茨已經不再是世界上最富 有的人了,那是因為他忙於把賺到的錢花掉,花在防治疾病和改善教育等世界性的大問題上。如果有壹個人曾經獲得過那樣的成就,又正在做這樣的壯舉,那麽他說 的話,值得我們每個人聽壹聽。
1.On being a "business man"1.關於“做個商人”
"Of my mental cycles, I devote maybe ten percent to business thinking. Business isn"t that complicated. I wouldn"t want to put it on my business card."“我只會把大約百分之十的精力用於思考經商的問題。做生意並不是什麽復雜的事情。我甚至都不願意在名片上印上商人這樣的字眼。”
2.On unhappy customers2.關於不滿意的客戶
“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning。”“最不滿意的客戶就是學習的最好資源。”
3.On comparing yourself to others3.關於與別人比較
“Don"t compare yourself with anyone in this world...if you do so, you are insulting yourself。”“不要拿自己與世界上的任何人比。如果妳把自己和別人比較,那是對自己的侮辱。”
4.On Steve Jobs4.關於喬布斯
"The world rarely sees someone who has had the profound impact Steve has had, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come. For those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, it"s been an insanely great honor. I will miss Steve immensely."“世上很少有能像喬布斯那樣影響深遠的人。他會影響很多代人。能和他在同壹個時代工作,是我們的幸運,也是莫大的榮幸。我會非常懷 念喬布斯的。”
5.On success5.關於成功
“Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can"t lose。”“成功是壹個壞老師,它會誤導聰明人覺得自己不會失敗。”
6.On failure6.關於失敗
"It"s fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure."“慶祝成功沒有什麽不好,但是從失敗中吸取經驗教訓更重要。”
7.On fairness7.關於公平
“Life"s not fair, get over it!”“生活本就不公平,不公平也要過下去!”
8.On using fear as a motivator8.關於把恐懼當做激勵
"In this business, by the time you realize you"re in trouble, it"s too late to save yourself. Unless you"re running scared all the time, you"re gone."“在這個行業中,當妳意識到自己有麻煩了,就已經太晚了。除非妳時刻都在恐懼中前行,不然妳就完蛋了。”
9.On getting good grades9.關於取得好成績
“I failed in some subjects in exam, but my friend passed in all. Now he is an engineer in Microsoft and I am the owner of Microsoft。”“我有幾門考試沒過,但我的好朋友全部通過了。現在,他是微軟公司的壹個工程師,而我是微軟的老板。”
10.On nerds10.關於呆子
"Be nice to nerds. Chances are you"ll end up working for one."“對呆子好壹點,很有可能妳以後要為呆子工作。”