當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 哪位了解我們主要要學習什麽名言?用英語怎麽說?給我說壹個唄


修養的花兒在寂靜中開過去了,成功的果子便要在光明裏結實。 —— 冰心

The flower of the culture is open in the silence, and the fruit of success will be strong in the light. -- Bing

我們是法律的仆人,以便我們可以獲得自由。 —— 西塞羅

We are the servants of the law, so that we can obtain freedom. -- Cicero

妳要知道科學方法的實質,不要去聽壹個科學家對妳說些什麽,而要仔細看他在做什麽。 —— 愛因斯坦

You need to know the essence of the scientific method, don't go to a scientist to say something to you, but to look at what he's doing. -- Einstein

所謂愛國心,是指妳身為這個國家的國民,對於這個國家,應當比對其他壹切的國家感情更深厚。 —— 蕭伯納

The so-called patriotic heart, refers to you as the country's people, for this country, it should be more profound than all other countries. -- Bernard Shaw

世界上沒有才能的人是沒有的。問題在於教育者要去發現每壹位學生的稟賦、興趣、愛好和特長,為他們的表現和發展提供充分的條件和正確引導。 —— 蘇霍姆林斯基

There is no man in the world is not. The problem is that educators should discover each student's endowment, interests, hobbies and expertise, and provide sufficient conditions for their performance and development. -- Sue Home Linsky

在人類歷史的長河中,真理因為像黃金壹樣重,總是沈於河底而很難被人發現,相反地,那些牛糞壹樣輕的謬誤倒漂浮在上面到處泛濫。 —— 培根

In the long process of human history, truth because like gold as heavy, always sink to the bottom and is difficult to be found, instead, fallacy of the cow dung as light down floating everywhere in the above flood. -- Bacon

給青年人最好的忠告是讓他們謙遜謹慎,孝敬父母,愛戴親友。 —— 西塞羅

The best advice for young people is to make them modest and prudent, honor their parents, and love their relatives and friends. -- Cicero
