Improve your method of study
better your posite skills
enhance your English capability and raise the level of your professional life.
People who are successful in their English studies all have the same experience; the unsuccessful ones have a variety of excuses. The most effective way to learn a foreign language is to revise
revise and revise again the material you have learned. No matter the time or the place
there can be no reason for laying aside your English studies.
12. 事情做好了,錢就賺到了。英語學好了,分數就上去了。
Do your work well
and the money will earn itself. Genuinely learn English
and your scores will go up.
Be steadfast in work and life
and be diligent in writing and teaching.
There are many people who
with their gaze fixed on the scenery in the distance
often fail to see the splendor that is right beside them.
I work
therefore I am.
If there is only one thing in the world that stirs your emotions
let that be there is only one way in the world that will enable you to achieve success
let that be diligence.
Try to be a person who is sincere
honest and hard working.
16.永遠保持18歲的心態,因為18歲有天真、淳樸、陽光的心靈,同時享有成年人的壹切權利,還有對知識充滿饑渴的大腦以及對生活、對未來的如火 *** 。
Always preserve the mentality of an 18?year?old. Because at 18 you have an innocent
pristine and sunny spirit
and at the same time you enjoy all the rights of an *** . Besides
you have a brain with an overwhelming hunger and thirst for knowledge
and you have a burning enthusia *** for life and the future.