當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 英文悲觀短句子


1. 求消極悲觀的英語句子,要傷感的,越多越好,謝謝

1.If you ever loved me,do not rob me of my hate.It's all I have. 如果妳曾經真的愛過我,就不要奪走我的恨,因為那是我現在唯壹擁有的東西。

2.Sometimes life is no comparison with numbers,because the numbers can increase the total number,while life will only reduce.生命有時還不如數字來得有意義,因為數字可以使總數增加,而生命卻只會減少。

3.My heart has been torn into pieces by your carelessness.因為妳的漠不關心,我的心早已碎成了壹片。

4.you are the prince in my fairy tale,but I am just a hurry passer in your life.妳是我童話中的王子,而我只是妳生命中的匆匆過客。

5.my choice is to love you or love you more,while yours is to love me or not to love me.我打的猶豫時關於愛妳或是更加的愛妳,而妳卻是猶豫著到底要不要愛我。

6.A tear has burned my wigs,so I can not fly to my heaven any more.我的翅膀被壹滴眼淚灼傷,所以我再也飛不到我的天堂了。

7.I had the heart to the moon, but the moon shines on the ditch.我本將心向明月,奈何明月照溝渠。

8.I would rather we were parallel lines,which will never intersect,because after the point of the only intersection,we are going to be further apart.我寧願我們是永不相交的平行線。因為在那僅有的壹次交點後,我們會離彼此越來越遠。

9.. memory is the water in the palm,which, whether you spread out or clench, will eventually flows drop by drop from the fingers .記憶是手心裏的水,無論妳攤開還是緊握,它都會壹點點的從妳指縫間溜走。

2. 求英語名言 關於悲觀

Sometimes life is no comparison with numbers,because the numbers can increase the total number,while life will only reduce.生命有時還不如數字來得有意義,因為數字可以使總數增加,而生命卻只會減少。

A Pessimist makes difficulties of his opportunities; an optimist makes opportunities of his difficulties.悲觀者讓機會淪為困難;樂觀者把困難鑄成機會

3. 悲觀的英語單詞



暗淡的, 模糊的, 無光澤的, 悲觀的, 懷疑的


使暗淡, 使失去光澤





悲觀主義, 萬事皆空論





黑暗的, 陰沈的, 令人沮喪的, 陰郁的



悲觀的, 厭世的

4. 關於樂觀和悲觀的英語故事,有對話的那種

The optimism all saw in each time the danger to the opportunity, but the pessimistic person all saw in each opportunity to the danger.

The father wants to pair of twin brothers to make "the disposition transformation", because of excessively optimistic, but another then is excessively pessimistic. One day, he has bought many lusters bright new toys for the pessimistic child, also feed-in the optimistic child between to pile up with the horse dung in the garage.

The second day early morning, the father witnesses to the pessimistic child is choking with sobs, then asked: "Why doesn't play these toys?"

"Played has been able bad." The child still was sobbing.

The father sighs, enters the garage, discovered actually that optimistic child jubilantly is pulling out any in the horse dung.

"Tells you, daddy." That child complacently declared to the father that, "I thought in the horse dunghill certainly also is hiding a pony!".


父親欲對壹對孿生兄弟作“性格改造”,因為其中壹個過分樂觀,而另壹個則過分悲觀。壹天,他買了許多色澤鮮艷的新玩具給悲觀孩子,又把樂觀孩子送進了壹間堆滿馬糞的車房裏。 第二天清晨,父親看到悲觀孩子正泣不成聲,便問:“為什麽不玩那些玩具呢?” “玩了就會壞的。”孩子仍在哭泣。



5. 英文短句 感悟人生的


1. Don't worry, be happy!


2. Look on the bright side.


3. Take it easy, man. Its not that big of adeal.

放輕松,老兄。沒什 大不了的。

4. Keep your chin up. Everything will be all right.


5. Be more opti mistic! Its not the end of the world.


6. Heaven will always leave a door open.


7. Dont get down. Things will work out eventually.


8. Laugh, and the world will laugh with you.


9. Hang in there! / Stick to it! The victory will go to you in theend.


10. Life is full of trial and error. One failure doesnt mean youre outofthe picture.


6. 觸動人心的英文名言短句有哪些

1. Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. - Oscar Wilde 每壹個聖人都有過去;每壹個罪人都有未來。

- Oscar Wilde2. You matter! You hear me。 You matter and you are loved!妳是重要的!妳聽見我說的了。

妳是重要的,而且妳是被愛著的!3. I'm going to succeed because I'm crazy enough to think I can.我將要成功了,因為我已經足夠瘋狂地去相信:我會的。4. If you're going through hell, keep going. - Winston Churchill 如果妳正行走在地獄裏,請繼續走下去。

- 丘吉爾 (英國前首相)5. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. - Gandhi 要像妳明天會死去壹樣地活著,要像妳永遠會活著壹樣地學習。 - 聖雄甘地6. Don't wait for opportunity, create it.不要等待機會,而是去創造機會。

7. A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. - Winston Churchill 悲觀者在每壹次機遇中所看見的都是困難;樂觀者在每壹次困難中所看見的都是機遇。 - 丘吉爾 (英國前首相)8. Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. - Mark Twain 友善是壹種連聾盲之人都能聽懂看見的語言。

- 馬克 · 吐溫9. Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable. - Cesar A. Cruz 藝術應當使不安的得安慰,使舒服的感到不安。 - Cesar A. Cruz10. If you can dream it you can do it. - Walt Disney 妳能夢想到的妳就能做到。

- 沃特 · 迪斯尼11. People change, feelings change. It doesn't mean that love once shared wan't true and real. It simply just means that sometimes when people grow, they grow apart.人都會變,感覺會變。但這並不代表曾經的感情是假的, 只是人在各自成長的路途上漸漸遠離了。

12. There are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn, and people we can't live without but have to let go.有些事情我們不願它發生但卻必須接受,有些事情我們不願知道卻必須去了解,有些人我們無法失去卻必須學會放開。13. As we grow up we think we lose our friends. But the truth is that, we don't lose our friends, we just learn who the real ones are.長大後我們自覺失去了許多昔日的好友。

但事實上,我們並未失去,我們只是更懂得誰才是我們真正的朋友。14. Sometimes what you've looking for comes when you're not looking at all.有時候妳所切切尋找的卻僅在不經意中才會出現。

15. A day without laughter is a day wasted. - Charlie Chaplin 沒有笑聲的壹天是虛度的壹天。 - 卓別林。

7. 關於樂觀和悲觀的英語演講稿


Pessimism and optimism story


About pessimistic and optimistic: once the two children, called a pessimistic, called a optimistic.


Their father hopes to change this situation, so, for the pessimistic child gave a roomful of toys, and gave optimistic children send a roomful of horse dung.


The next day, he went to check his test result discovered that, the child still considerable distress pessimism, all the toys never touch even touch because he was afraid that the break them.


And optimistic kid, is in horse dunghill playing merrily: "father, you must be in hid what baby?"


This story tells us: our life status depends in large measure on our attitude toward life, depends on the way we treat problems.


Our life started with a clean SLATE, every subsequent pile things come on white paper is painted with outline: our experience, our experience, our setbacks.


Pessimists are always in life looking for defects and loopholes, see is ageless dark eyes;


But optimists will find potential hope, found bright beautiful colour.

8. 請給壹些鼓勵人的英文短句

1. Don't worry, be happy!


2. Look on the bright side.


3. Take it easy, man. Its not that big of adeal.

放輕松,老兄。沒什 大不了的。

4. Keep your chin up. Everything will be all right.


5. Be more opti mistic! Its not the end of the world.


6. Heaven will always leave a door open.


7. Dont get down. Things will work out eventually.


8. Laugh, and the world will laugh with you.


9. Hang in there! / Stick to it! The victory will go to you in theend.


10. Life is full of trial and error. One failure doesnt mean youre outofthe picture.
