當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 求英語大神幫我把下面4句動漫名言翻譯成英語,要比較準確的,急用!謝謝



Display mirror of the real image only forever, not the real me

I think, people live must be meaningless, however, alive might find interesting things, as you see the flowers, as I see you

As long as people, are relying on their own knowledge and awareness and also is the life of the bound, it is called a reality, but the knowledge and awareness of what is ambiguous, the reality may be only a mirage, insubstantial objects, people are living in their obsession in, don't you think so?

If there are 5 life is good! In this way, the 5 time I have to live in a different city; 5 times to eat different food, eat bread; the 5 time will be different jobs...... Then, the 5 time to...... In love with a person! Thank you for your............ Farewell......
