當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 甘地的名言有哪些


甘地的主要信念是“satyagraha”,英語譯成soul force,意為“精神的力量”、“真理之路”、“追求真理”等

1.Politics without principle. 沒有原則的政治;

2.Worship without sacrifice. 沒有犧牲的崇拜;

3.Science without humanity. 沒有人性的科學;

4.Commerce without morality. 沒有道德的商業;

5.Knowledge without character. 沒有是非的知識;

6.Pleasure without conscience. 沒有良知的快樂;

7.Wealth without work. 沒有勞動的富裕。



Be the change you want to see in the world .



The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

We must become the change we want to see.

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

Men often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even if I didn't have it in the beginning.

There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, and one who has any faith in God should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoeve.