is
my
Utopia.
Here
am
not
disfranchised.
No
barrier
of
the
senses
shuts
me
out
from
the
sweet,
gracious
discourse
of
my
book
friends.
)
當壹扇幸福的門關起的時候,另壹扇幸福的門會因此開啟,但我們卻經常看這扇關閉的大門太久,而忘了註意到那扇已經為我們而開啟的幸福之門。(When
one
door
of
happiness
closes,
another
opens;
but
often
we
look
so
long
at
the
closed
door
that
we
do
not
see
the
one
which
has
been
opened
for
us.)
雖然這個世界充滿了苦難,但是也充滿了很多解決克服的方法。(Although
the
world
is
full
of
suffering,
it
is
full
also
of
the
overcoming
of
it.
)
參考:
/NewsInfo-6717.aspx