當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 愛情名人名言英語


1、愛情能減少女人的文弱,增加男人的勇氣。——李斯特? Love can reduce the weak woman, increase the man's courage。

2、由友誼進而為戀愛易,由戀愛退而為友誼難。——傑克遜? By friendship, in turn, to fall in love easily, by the love back into friendship。

3、不能使妳發奮的愛,不如不愛。——拿破侖? Cannot make you vigorous love, than love。

4、人的壹生中最要緊的發現自己,而在婚姻中則是被人所發現。——冉拉爾? What matters most in your life find themselves, and is to be found in the marriage。

5、當貧窮從門外進來,愛情便從窗口溜走。——托?富勒? When poverty e in from outside, love slip away from the window。

6、愛情的意義在於幫助對方提高,同時也提高自己。——車爾尼雪夫斯基? The meaning of love is to help each other improve, at the same time to improve yourself。

7、美滿的婚姻是新生命的開始,也是快樂與幸福的起點。——雷斯登? A good marriage is the beginning of new life, is also the starting point for happiness and happiness。

8、與壹個好女人結婚,妳是在暴風雨中找到了避風港;和壹個壞女人結婚,妳是在港中遇到了暴風雨。——席恩? To marry a good woman, you are found a safe haven in the storm; Marry a bad woman, you are in Hong Kong met the storm。

9、婚姻的成功取決於兩個人,而壹個人就可以使它失敗。——塞繆爾? The success of the marriage depends on o people, and a person can make it fail。

10、真摯而純潔的愛情,壹定滲有對心愛的人的勞動和職業的尊重。——鄧穎超? The permeability and sincere and pure love, must respect for labor and the career of the beloved person。

11、誰按規定去愛,誰就得不到愛。——蒙田? Whoever in accordance with the provisions, to love, not love。

12、婚姻的唯壹偉大之處,在於唯壹的愛情,兩顆心的互相忠實。——羅曼?羅蘭? The only greatness, a marriage is the only love, o hearts loyal to each other。

13、愛象發高燒,它的來去均不受意誌的制約。——司湯達? Love is like running a high fever, it is not subject to the will of the constraint。

14、妳所結婚的對象是妳在最脆弱時覺得最適合於妳的人。——貝裏克? What you get married of object is you feel that the most suitable for you when the most vulnerable people。

15、生命誠可貴,愛情價更高,若為自由故,二者皆可拋。——裴多菲? Life is dear, love price is higher, if for free so, o all may throw。

16、為了愛情的持續,婚姻的美滿,妻子固要取悅丈夫,丈夫也要取悅妻子,至於如何取悅,乃是壹種高級的藝術。——柏楊? Continue to love, a happy marriage, the wife is to please her hu *** and, her hu *** and also want to please his wife, as to how to please, but a senior art。

17、愛情是壹個不可缺少的、但它只能是推動我們前進的加速器,而不是工作、學習的絆腳石。——張誌新? Love is a indispensable, but it is only the accelerator that propels us forward, rather than a stumbling block to work and study。

18、我告訴妳,愛神是萬物的第二個太陽,他照到哪裏,哪裏就會春意盎然。——查普曼? I tell you, love is the second sun in our universe, where he photos, where will the awaken of spring is abundant。

19、青年人無法無天,玩弄愛情;中年人食髓知味,追求愛情;老年人寂寞無聊,回憶愛情。——秋田雨雀? Youth to lawlessness, playing with love; Middle-aged people know taste food pulp, the pursuit of love; The old lonely, memories of love。

20、愛情是兩顆靈魂的結合。——約翰生? Love is the union of o souls。

21、為了失戀而耽誤前途是壹生的損失。——荷海? In order to delay the future with a broken heart is the loss of life。

22、倉促結婚,是要在悠閑中悔恨的。——康格裏夫? Marry in haste, is to be in a leisurely remorse。

23、 *** 按其本性來說就是排他的。──恩格斯? It is the exclusive sex according to its nature。

24、愛情在法國是壹幕喜劇,在英國是壹幕悲劇,在意大利是壹幕歌劇,在德國是壹幕的鬧劇。——布萊? Love in France is a edy, a tragedy in the UK, is the act of the opera in Italy, in Germany is a farce。

25、愛情中的歡樂和痛苦是交替出現的。——喬?拜倫? Love the joy and pain is appear alternately。

26、美能激發人的感情,愛情凈化人的心靈。——約?德萊基? Beauty can inspire people's feelings, love is to purify the mind。

27、真正的愛情能夠鼓舞人,喚醒他內心沈睡著的力量和潛藏著的才能。——薄迦丘? True love can inspire people, wake up his inner strength and sleeps hidden talent。

28、愛情和婚姻是兩股道上跑的車。——蒙臺涅? Love and marriage are o lanes on car。

29、打算討老婆的男人,應有如下的覺悟:權利將減半,義務將倍增。——湯川秀樹? Going to a wife of man, should have the following enlightenment: right to halving obligation will multiply。

30、閑人把愛情當作正事,忙人把愛情當成消遣。——布爾沃?利頓? Idle people take love as a business, but the love as a pastime。

31、婚姻是壹種獎券。男的用自由作賭註,女的則用自己的幸福作賭註。——狄魯克斯? Marriage is a lottery ticket。 A man make bets with freedom, a woman with own happiness as a bet。

32、春天沒有花,人生沒有愛,那還成個什麽世界。——郭沫若? Spring without flowers, a life without love, what also bee that of the world。

33、愛情使人心的憧憬升華到至善之境。——但丁? Love makes the heart imagine sublimation to good。

34、愛比殺人重罪更難隱藏;愛情的黑夜有中午的陽光。——莎士比亞? Love hidden harder than felony murder; Love night with the noon sun。

35、選這樣的女人做妳的妻子:如果她是壹個男的,妳會選她作朋友。——諾貝爾? Choose such a woman as your wife, if she were a man, she would you choose as a friend。

36、結婚是因誤解而成立的。——王爾德? Marriage is formed as a result of misunderstanding。

37、長相知,才能不相疑;不相疑,才能長相知。──曹禺? Long bosom friend, can do not doubt; No doubt, can be long bosom friend。

38、假如妳問我該不該結婚,我會回答妳:無論如何,妳都會後悔的。——蘇格拉底? If you should ask me get married, I will answer you: anyway, you will regret it。

39、沒有青春的愛情有何滋味?沒有愛情的青春有何意義。——拜倫? What is the taste without youth love? What's the meaning of the youth without love。

40、愛情裏面要是攙雜了和它本身無關的算計,那就不是真的愛情。——莎士比亞? If love inside calculation bined with nothing to do with it, that is not true love。

41、沒有愛情的人生是什麽?是沒有黎明的長夜。——彭斯? What is life without love? There is no the night of the dawn。

42、戀愛是結婚的黎明,結婚是戀愛的日暮。——狄芬諾德? Love is the dawn of marriage, marriage is the sunset of love。

43、壹只雞蛋可以畫無數次,壹場愛情能嗎。——達芬奇? An egg can draw many times, a love can?

44、婚姻的黃金時代,不在婚禮行過之後,而在婚前戀愛時期。——胡塞爾? The golden age of marriage, not done after the wedding ceremony, in love before marriage period。

45、懼怕愛情就是懼怕生活,而懼怕生活的人就等於半具僵屍。——伯?羅素? To fear love is to fear life, and fear life is equal to half zombie。

46、愛情和智慧,二者不可兼得。——培根? Love and wisdom, a trade-off beeen them。

47、忠貞的誓言是荒謬的許諾,但卻是婚姻的核心。——卡蓬? Loyalty oath is ridiculous promises, but it is the core of marriage。

48、不等於愛情,但愛情不能不包括幫助。——魯迅? Is not equal to love, but love can't help。

49、婚姻是壹本書,第壹章寫下詩篇,其余則是平淡的散文。——尼克斯? Marriage is a book, chapter one poem, the rest are plain prose。

50、就是神,在愛情中也難保持聰明。──培根? Is god, in love is hard to keep *** art。

51、戀愛是結婚的過程;結婚是戀愛的目的。——叔本華? Love is a process of marriage; The purpose of marriage is love。

52、我是幸福的,因為我愛,因為我有愛。──白朗寧? I am happy, because I love, because I have love。

53、誰口口聲聲說“我不愛”,誰就在愛。——奧維德? Who has said "I do not love, who is in love。

54、初戀的芬芳在於它是熱烈的友情。——赫爾岑? The fragrance of first love is it is a warm friendship。

55、愛情的萌芽是智慧的結束。——布霍特? The bud of love is the end of wisdom。

56、愛情原如樹葉壹樣,在人忽視裏綠了,在忍耐裏露出蓓蕾。——何其芳? Love the original like leaves, green in the neglected, revealing bud in patience。

57、草率的婚姻少美滿。——莎士比亞? Hasty marriage less happy。

58、真實愛情的途徑並不平坦。——莎士比亞? The way of the real love is not flat。