apples and oranges?兩個不相幹的事物
2. apple of(one’s) eye?掌上明珠
3. The apple never falls far from the tree.
4. bad apple/rotten apple?壞蛋
5. one bad(or rotten) apple spoils the whole bunch(or?barrel)?壹條臭魚腥了壹鍋湯
6. rotten to the core?壞透了,完全沒價值
7. polish(one’s) apple?阿諛奉承某人
apple polisher?馬屁精
8. upset the apple cart?破壞計劃
9. banana republic?香蕉***和國(指國家弱或者腐敗)
10. second banana?下屬
top banana?領袖,領導
11. go bananas?變興奮,變瘋狂
to drive(someone) bananas?惹怒某人
12. cherry-pick?精挑細選
13. Life is a bowl of cherries.
Life isn’t always a bowl of cherries.
14. not give a fig?不在乎
15. peaches and cream?生活很順利