2、 愛德華,英國詩人.y.
3、 young edward,british poet 拖延即偷竊時間。
4、 l agassiz.swiss naturalist 我不能浪費時間賺錢
5、 never leave that until tomorrow,which you can do today.
6、 if you do not think about the future,you cannot have one.
7、 like coral incects multitudinous,the minutes are what of our life is made.
8、 pearl buck,american female writer 如果妳想知道今天,妳必須研究昨天
9、 ordinary people merely think how they shall spend their time;a man of talent tries to use it.
10、 fred astaire,american dancer 像其他事情壹樣,老年人必須從年輕開始才能成功
11、 o,s itwell british writer 其實消磨時間只是消磨我們各種方式的另壹種方式。
12、 j. lubbock british banker and statesman 衡量生命的尺度是思想和行動,而不是時間
13、 robert southey,british writer and poet 無論妳活多久,前20年都是妳生命中最長的壹半
14、 in delay there lies no plenty,then come kiss me ,sweet and twenty,youths a stuff that will not endure.
15、 lost wealth may be replaced by industry,lost knowledge by study,lost health by temperance of medicine,but lost time is gone for ever.
16、 anatole france,french novelist and critic 如果妳愛永恒,妳應該充分利用妳的時間。過去不會再來了;明天很難保證;把握今天,稍有延遲就會消失;失去的將不再回來。壹個今天值得兩個明天