當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 誰知道關於詹妮弗.巴塞特,也就是《歌劇院的幽靈》的作者的名言


One love, one lifetime 此生此情不渝

Anywhere you go Let me go too 無論去何處都讓妳我形影不離

Say the word And I will follow you 說愛我,我將跟隨妳

Share each day with me Each night, each mornin 每壹個晨昏時分

Let your spirit start To soar 讓妳的靈魂開始翺翔

And you'll live As you've never lived before 妳將會獲得前所未有的感覺

Softly, deftly 柔和且靈巧地

Music shall caress you 音樂會撫慰妳

Hear it, feel it 聆聽它、感覺它

Secretly possess you 神秘的迷住了妳

Open up your mind Let your fantasies unwind 敞開妳的心扉,讓幻想奔馳

In this darkness that you know You cannot fight 在這個妳無法抗拒的黑暗裏

The darkness of The music of the night 這夜晚音樂的黑暗

Let your mind start a journey 讓妳的心靈開始遨遊

Through a strange new world 看看這奇特的新世界

Leave all thoughts of the life You knew before 拋開以往慣有的思慮

Let your soul take you 讓妳的靈魂帶著妳

Where you long to be 到妳想去的地方

Only then can you belong To me 唯有如此妳才能屬於我

Floating, falling 漂浮、降臨

Sweet intoxication 甜美的醉意

Touch me, trust me 觸碰我、相信我

Savor each sensation 品嘗每壹種感覺

Let the dream begin 讓夢展開

Let your darker side give in 讓妳黑暗的壹面屈服

To the power of the music that I write 屈服在我音樂的力量之下

The power of The music of the night 夜晚音樂的力量

You alone can make my song take flight 妳壹個人就能讓我的歌曲飛馳了

Help me make The music of the Night 幫助我做出夜晚的音樂

Fear can turn to love 恐懼可以轉變成愛

You'll learn to seeTo find the man 妳會學著去了解發覺這個男人

But secretly dreams of beauty 卻暗地裏夢想成為俊美的男人

Secretly, secretly 暗地裏…暗地裏

Come, we must return. 來吧,我們得回去了

No more talk of darkness Forget these wide-eyed fears 別再提黑暗,忘卻這些恐懼

I'm here Nothing can harm you 我在這裏,沒有什麽能傷害妳

My words will warm and calm you 我的話語能溫暖並撫慰妳

Let me be your freedom 讓我帶給妳自由

Let daylight dry your tears 讓白天帶走妳的淚水

I'm here with you, beside you 我在這裏,在妳身旁陪伴著妳

To guard you and to guide you 守護並引領妳

Say you love me 說妳愛我

Every waking moment Turn my head 在每個夢醒時分

With talk of summertime 談談夏日時光,讓我墜入情網

Say you need me with you 說妳需要我陪伴

Now and always 從現在直到永遠

Promise me That all you say is true 向我保證妳說的都是真的

That's all I ask of you 那就是我對妳的期盼

Let me be your shelter 讓我做妳的避風港

Let me be your light 讓我成為妳的陽光

You're safe No one will find you 妳很安全,沒人能找到妳

Your fears are far behind you 妳的恐懼將遠離妳

All I want is freedom 解脫是我唯壹所求

A world with no more night 壹個沒有黑夜降臨的世界

And you always beside me 而妳,永遠陪伴著我

To hold me and to hide me 支持我並保護我

Then say you'll share with me 請妳告訴我

Let me lead you from your solitude 讓我引領妳走出孤獨

Say you need me with you here, beside you 說妳需要我陪伴,陪在妳身畔

Anywhere you go Let me go too 無論去何處都讓妳我形影不離

That's all I ask of you 那就是我對妳的期盼