Just because I cannot see it, doesn't mean I can't believe it!
There's children throwing snowballs / instead of throwing heads / they're busy building toys / and absolutely no one's dead!
And since I am dead, I can take off my head, to recite Shakespearean quotations.
Of course I've been too close to see, the answers right in front of me!
What's this? / What's this? / There's color everywhere / What's this? / There's white things in the air / What's this? / I can't believe my eyes, I must be dreaming / Wake up, Jack! This isn't fair! / What's this?
You know, I think this Christmas thing / Is not as tricky as it seems / And why should they have all the fun / It should belong to anyone / Not anyone, in fact, but me! / Why, I could make a Christmas tree / There's not a reason I can find / That I can't have a Christmas time / I bet I could improve it, too / And that's exactly what I'll do!
Eureka! This year Christmas will be ours!
這是什麽?(這是什麽?到處都有顏色。/ /這是什麽?/有白色的東西的空氣/這是什麽?我不能相信我的眼睛,我壹定是在做夢/醒來的時候,傑克!這太不公平了!(這是什麽?)