當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 江湖救急啊!!! 動漫的名言。翻譯成英文!!!最好不要用翻譯器!語法!!! 謝謝

江湖救急啊!!! 動漫的名言。翻譯成英文!!!最好不要用翻譯器!語法!!! 謝謝

One who doesn't believe in himself doesn't worth the effort, either.

I think it meaningless for pepple to live in the world.However, having been survived, we 'll be able to find something interesting, just like you have come across the flower ,and I have come across you.

You can torture my body but never can you conquer my soul!

You can change nothing if you just hide in the corners.

純手工翻譯~~ 不完善之處敬請諒解 若是覺得該過得去 就選我嘍 O(∩_∩)O~