1、Life like bacteria。人生似朝菌。
2、Life must be self weight。人生須自重。
3、Struggle is sweet。鬥爭是甜蜜的。
4、Life is complicated。生活是復雜的。
5、Life is the only fortune。生命是惟壹的財富。
6、Life is a weaving shuttle。生命是壹支織梭。
7、Move is born, quiet music。動則生,靜則樂。
8、There is life, there is hope。有生命,那裏便有希望。
9、Should smile in the face of life, no matter how。應該笑著面對生活,不管壹切如何。
10、Man"s life is a constant adaptation and adaptation。人的生命就是不斷的適應再適應。
11、No one lives forever, nothing can last forever。沒有人永遠活著,沒有東西可以經久。
12、Life is not a breath, life is an activity。生命不等於是呼吸,生命是活動。
13、With the truth, life will have eternal life。附和真理,生命便會得到永生。
14、Life is all sorts of experience thoroughly tempered。生命由種種經驗而千錘百煉。
15、The purpose of life is to enjoy life。生命的目的是享受生命。
16、A great soul, will strengthen the mind and life。壹個偉大的靈魂,會強化思想和生命。
17、To live and work hard to die。努力為生,還要努力為死。
18、Make a difference is the highest state of life。有所作為是生活中的最高境界。
19、Repentance to shameful behavior is to save life。對可恥的行為的追悔是對生命的拯救。
20、Known, how can you know death?未知生,焉知死?
21、Life is a bow, the bow is a dream。生命是壹張弓,那弓弦是夢想。
22、No more than one hundred days, the youth will not come。百日莫空過,青春不再來。
23、As long as willing to do, all people。只要願意去做,人無所不通。
24、Life straight 100 Weng, is also the eternal moment。人生直作百歲翁,亦是萬古壹瞬中。
25、To understand life and love life is happy。了解生命而且熱愛生命的人是幸福的。
26、Yong also take death calmly, martyrs。視死若生者,烈士之勇也。
27、The end of the journey will be the end of our life。旅程的終了,將是我們生命的結束。
28、All men are mortal。, according to retain loyalty。人生自古誰無死,留取丹心照汗青。
29、Life will be fine if you have the courage to live。只要有勇氣,生活就會變得美好。
30、Every man is a product of his past。每壹個人都是他過去的產物。
31、God cherishes the grass, respect seniors。天意憐幽草,人間重晚晴。
32、A man who loves life is never a failure。喜愛人生的人絕不是失敗者。
33、Life is short, and the hedgehog must not be narrow-minded。生命短暫,切不可猬瑣偏狹。
34、Life contains a day, a symbol of life。人生包含著壹天,壹天象征著壹生。
35、Life is a precious thing, death is the greatest evil。生命是珍貴之物,死是最大的罪惡。
36、Prime not again, day difficult morning。盛年不重來 句子大全/ ,壹日難再晨。
37、We can not wait to steal the pleasures of our life!我們不能坐等令逸樂盜取我們的生命!
38、Amateur life should be meaningful, not deviant。業余生活要有意義,不要越軌。
39、Born in misery and die of happiness。生於憂患而死於安樂。
40、Love and defeat the benevolent, fools have tonight?愛生而敗仁者,其下愚之得歟?
41、Say no to man, life is the highest of all things。對人說不,生命是壹切寶物中最高的東西。
42、Cherish life to cherish today。珍惜生命就要珍惜今天。
43、We only give our lives to get life。我們只有獻出生命,才能得到生命。
44、Birth, death is also a male ghost。生當作人傑,死亦為鬼雄。
45、No one can love life like the old man。誰也不會象老人那樣熱愛生活。
46、Life is long if you can use it。如能善於利用,生命乃悠長。
47、Waste of life is the greatest tragedy of life。浪費生命是做人的最大悲劇。
48、Originally, life is only once, for whom all is valuable。本來,生命只有壹次,對於誰都是寶貴的。
49、Red flowers than grass, not beautiful than the old boy。春花不紅不如草,少年不美不如老。
50、I like the most is the life experience and thoroughly tempered。我最喜歡的是生命有種種經驗而千錘百煉。
51、Life is moving forward, it is in the direction of death。生命在前進的同時,它就是在走向死亡。
52、Life between heaven and earth, if Baiju gap, suddenly。人生天地之間,若白駒之過隙,忽然而已。
53、The history, not its ambition, live on in spirit, is death。得其誌,雖死猶生,不得其誌,雖生猶死。
54、Hope is the source of life, without it life will wither。希望是生命的源泉,失去它生命就會枯萎。
55、Proportional to the waste and shorten the life of the thinking。壽命的縮短與思想的虛耗成正比。
56、Life, as long as you make full use of it, it will be long。生命,只要妳充分利用,它便是長久的。
57、Life, that is the natural will give the human to carve the gem。生命,那是自然會給人類去雕琢的寶石。
58、Life is like a game of chess, one step fault, all is lost。人生就像奕棋,壹步失誤,全盤皆輸。
59、I love life, for it"s beautiful, I participated in the struggle。我愛生活,為了它的美好,我參加了鬥爭。
60、Life is not sold back and forth, once you start, you can never return。人生不售來回票,壹旦動身,絕不能復返。
61、The world of activities, although many shortcomings, but it is still beautiful。世間的活動,缺點雖多,但仍是美好的。
62、People alive is always interesting, even if it is interesting to worry。人活著總是有趣的,即便是煩惱也是有趣的。
63、Don"t you see the boy"s head like clouds, the clouds as old as snow。君不見少年頭上如雲發,少壯如雲老如雪。
64、Maybe life is not good enough, but a good life is long enough。長命也許不夠好,但是美好的生命卻夠長。
65、Who understand the true meaning of life, short life can be extended。懂得生命真諦的人,可以使短促的生命延長。