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用百度翻譯弄出來的 應該沒差太多···

聖域 The sanctuary


(Bloom, and then will fade, the stars are shining, but the light will disappear. No matter is the earth, the sun, the Milky Way department, or the vastness of the universe, will have the time of death, the human life when compared with these words, it is like an instant thing. At that moment, people born, laughter, tears, combat, injury, joy, sorrow, hate somebody, fall in love with someone, all this is the moment of encounter, in the end will be included in the name to a dead sleep in.)

我不知道遇見妳是對是錯,但我知道遇見妳我開心過。(I don't know I met you is right or wrong, but I know I'm happy to meet you.)


(The 0 is the beginning of everything. If you don't start from there it, what will not start, what also can reach.)


(Below the Lu Mingfei watched in silence, the Shinkansen train Tielong like Mercedes Benz in the night, who is on such a night train, to what kind of far away?)

耳邊似乎有人在說話,是啊,在那個大雨滂沱的晚上,在那問紅色的情·人酒店裏,那個被認為是啞巴的女孩湊在他耳邊輕聲說:“我們都是小怪獸,有壹天會被正義的奧特曼殺死。” 是啊,妳是小怪獸,可小怪獸也有小怪獸的好朋友,孤獨的小怪獸們害怕得靠在壹起,但如果正義的奧特曼要來殺妳,我就幫妳把正義的奧特曼殺死。 可是我答應了,卻沒有做到。

(The ear seems to have people talking, yes, in the heavy rain in the evening, then ask red emotion - people in the hotel, that was thought to be dumb girl leaned softly in his ear said: "we are all little monsters, one day will be justUltraman kill." Yes, you are the little monster, but the small monsters have little monster's good friend, afraid of lonelylittle monsters too close together, but if justice Ultraman to kill you, I'll help you get justice Ultraman kill. But I promised,but did not.)

“04.24,和Sakura去東京天空樹,世界上最暖和的地方在天空樹的項上。,, “04.26,和Sakura去明治神宮,有人在那裏舉辦婚禮。,’ “04.25,和Sakura去迪士尼,鬼屋很可怕,但是有Sakura在,所以不可怕。,, “Sakura最好了。”

("4.24, and Sakura to the Tokyo Sky Tree, the warmest place in the world in the sky tree item. ,, "4.26, and Sakura tothe Meiji Shrine, someone to hold the wedding in there. '", 4.25, to Disney and Sakura, the haunted house is very terrible, but has Sakura, so it is not terrible. ,, "Sakura best.")