當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 咖啡廳英語短句


1. 適合咖啡店的英文句子

1:There was a smell of coffee pervading the atmosphere. 空氣裏彌漫著咖啡的香味。

2:I'd like some coffee with a laced brandy. 我想喝壹點加少量白蘭地的咖啡。

3:I have coffee after dinner, as is my usual practice. 我飯後喝咖啡,這是我的習慣。

4:Here, have some coffee on me. 來,我請妳喝咖啡關於咖啡的英文句子 16句關於咖啡的英文句子 16句。

5:He used to have a cup of coffee preparatory to his work. 在工作之前,他總要喝上壹杯咖啡。

2. 30句咖啡廳專用英語翻譯



1, 這是妳的找零和小票,請到那邊取下飲料,很快就好Here are your receipt and change. Please pick up your drink from that side. It'll be ready in just a moment.2 ,祝妳用餐愉快Enjoy (your food).3,不好意思,現在飲料比較多,妳先坐壹會,壹會好了喊妳Sorry, we have many orders in queue right now. Please be seated first, and we'll call you when your order is ready.4,妳先坐會,壹會好了我幫妳拿過去Please wait on your seat. We'll bring your food/drink to you when it's ready.5,現在這個信用卡機不能用,能付現金嗎Sorry, but our credit card machine is not working right now. Can you pay cash?6,帶走還是在這邊吃? for here or to go,sir?7 能用我們的馬克杯(玻璃杯)嗎?環保壹點Could we use the glass cup for your drink? It's more environment freindly.8,牛肉 豬肉 雞肉 魚肉 beef, pork, chicken, fish9 不好意思讓您久等了,謝謝妳的等待,這是妳要的飲料.I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Thanks for being patient. This is your drink.10,今天需要想吃點什麽?和以前壹樣嘛?What would you like to order today? Everything as usual?11,要嘗試下我們的新品嗎?這個是酸的(甜的),有牛肉(櫻桃醬)Would you like to try our new food/drink? This is sour/sweet, it has beef/cheery jelly.12,妳先看會,選好了喊我,[我先幫這位小姐(先生)點單。可以嗎?]Take your time. Please call me when you are ready. [I'll take this lady's/gentleman's order first, Is that all right?](註:方括號中其實不用說。

不過也給譯了。)13 請稍等壹下,我去找下我們的值班經理幫妳解決問題A moment, please. I'll go ask our manager to come help you with the problem.14 X先生 X小姐,飲料好了,這邊取下Mr. X/Ms. X, your drink is ready. Please come pick it up here.15,妳好,妳是我們隨機抽取的顧客心聲邀請對象,請看下這張紙上的英文,記得90天內來免費換飲料哦Hello, you have been randomly picked as the invitee of our Voice of Customer program. Please read the words on this paper, and remember to bring it to exchange your free drink within 90 days.16 要燙的水還是溫的Would you like it very warm or just lukewarm?17 刀,叉子,濕紙巾,勺子 knife, fork, moist napkin/wipe, spoon18 要留空間加牛奶嗎?Would you like to leave some room for milk/cream?19 要幫妳加好牛奶嗎要加多少牛奶呢?Would you like me to add milk/cream for you? How much do you like?20 牛奶已經幫妳加在裏面了Milk/cream is added.21 有3元零錢嗎(零錢)Do you have a change of three Yuan?22,歡迎下次再來 Hope to see you again. 或者:Thank you and come again.23,要幫妳打包嗎?Do you need me to help pack the remains?24,請稍等壹下,現在沒有零錢了,我換下零錢A moment please. I don't have any change left right now. Let me go get some.25 走出這個木門,直走,廁所在右邊Out of this wooden door, go straight ahead, and the bathroom is on the right.26 直接連接CHINANET就可以了Simply connect to CHINANET directly.27 我可以為妳做什麽? what can i do for you sir?28 妳好,請問貴姓?可以讓我登記下熟客資料嗎?接受我們的短信通知嗎?我們有新品或者活動會發信息通知您,您的地址是Hello, may I know your last name? Could you leave some information so we can keep a record for our frequent guest? Would you like to receive our text message notification? We will send you notifications of our new products or events. And your address is。

?29 感覺怎麽樣?味道可以嗎?How do you like it? It tastes good?30 壹***XXX元。The total is xxx yuan.。

3. 求西餐廳常用英語短語

1. 尋問餐廳 到國外遊玩,品嘗當地美食是行程重頭戲之壹,然而,身為異鄉人,自然無法知道每家餐廳口碑如何。

此時,不妨向飯店中的服務人員詢問,說出自己的喜好及需求,請對方做最佳建議。 是否可介紹壹家附近口碑不錯的餐廳?Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here? 我想去壹家價位合理的餐廳。

I want a restaurant with reasonable prices. 我想去壹家不會吵雜的餐廳。 I'd like a quiet restaurant. 我想去壹家氣氛歡樂、活潑的餐廳。

I'd like a restaurant with cheerful atmosphere. 是否可建議這壹類的餐廳? Could you recommend that kind of restaurant? 此地餐廳多集中在那壹區? Where is the main area for restaurants? 這附近是否有中國餐廳? Is there a Chinese restaurant around here? 這附近是否有價位不貴的餐廳? Are there any inexpensive restaurants near here? 妳知道現在那裏還有餐廳是營業的嗎? Do you know of any restaurants open now? 我想嘗試壹下當地食物。 I'd like to have some local food. 最近的意大利餐廳在那裏? Where is the nearest ltalian restaurant? 2. 餐廳預約 享受異國美食是出國旅遊的樂趣之壹,若已打聽好何處有美味,不妨在出發前先打電話詢問是否需訂位,以免興沖沖的出門,卻碰上餐廳客滿的情況。

電話預約時,壹定要詳細告知餐廳預約時間、人數與名字,並且最好詢問清楚是否需著正式服裝,以免屆時失禮。 我需要預約位子嗎? Do I need a reservation? 我想要預約3個人的位子。

I'd like to reserve a table for three. 我們***有6個人。 We are a group of six. 我們大約在8點到達。

We'll come around eight o'clock. 我要如何才能到達餐廳? How can I get there? 我想要預約今晚7點2個人的位子。 I'd like to reserve a table for two at seven tonight. 我很抱歉。

今晚的客人相當多。 I'm sorry. We have so many guests this evening. 我們大概需要等多久? How long is the wait? 9點應該沒問題。

Nine o'clock should be O.K. 今天的推薦餐是什麽? What do you have for today's special? 我們想要面對花園的位子。 We'd like a table with a view of garden. 沒問題。

請給我妳的名字。 It's O.K. Your name, please. 我的名字是潔西卡.楊。

My name is Jessica Yang. 餐廳是否有任何服裝上的規定? Do you have a dress code? 女士是否需著正式服裝? Could the ladies wear formal dresses? 請不要穿牛仔褲。 No jeans, please. 3. 餐廳點餐篇 到異國品嘗美食可說是旅遊的樂趣之壹,然而,若是語言不通,大概就很難品嘗餐廳最受好評的菜色了。

因此,學會基本點餐說法,適當的詢問服務生,並表達自己喜好,包管可以讓自己吃得道地又滿足。 請給我菜單。

May I have a menu,please? 是否有中文菜單? Do you have a menu in chinese? 在用晚餐前想喝些什麽嗎?Would you like something to drink before dinner? 餐廳有些什麽餐前酒? What kind of drinks do you have for an aperitif? 可否讓我看看酒單? May I see the wine list? 我可以點杯酒嗎? May I order a glass of wine? 餐廳有那幾類酒? What kind of wine do you have? 我想點當地出產的酒。 I'd like to have some local wine. 我想要喝法國紅酒。

I'd like to have Frence red wine. 是否可建議壹些不錯的酒? Could you recommend some good wine? 我可以點餐了嗎? May I order,please? 餐廳最特別的菜式是什麽? What is the specialty of the house? 餐廳有今日特餐嗎? Do you have today's special? 我可以點與那份相同的餐嗎? Can I have the same dish as that? 我想要壹份開胃菜與排餐(魚餐)。 I'd like appetizers and meat(fish) dish. 我正在節食中。

I'm on a diet. 我必須避免含油脂(鹽份/糖份)的食物。 I have to avoid food containing fat(salt/suger). 餐廳是否有供應素食餐? Do you have vegetarian dishs? 妳的牛排要如何烹調? How do you like your steak? 全熟(五分熟/全生)。

Well done (medium/rare),please. 4. 餐廳用餐 旅途中品嘗異國美食時的興奮與期待,就好像買了彩券等待開獎壹般,妳永遠不知道結果會是賓果或全軍覆沒,然而,無論結果如何,它都將是旅程中難忘的回憶。如果菜式不合口味,有時向服務生索取調味醬,自己調味壹番,倒也挺入口的。

用完餐付費時,千萬別忘了確認帳單數目,以及付些小費表示謝意。 請告訴我要如何食用這道菜? Could you tell me how to eat this? 請把鹽(楜椒)傳給我。

Could you pass me the salt(pepper)? 請給我壹杯水。 I'd like a glass of water, please. 請給我壹瓶礦泉水。

May I have a bottle of mineral water? 請給我不含碳酸的礦泉水。 Uncarbonated mineral water, please. 請再給我壹些面包。

May I have some more bread, please. 請給我壹些甜點。 I'd like a dessert, please. 甜點有那幾種? What do you have for dessert? 可以給我壹些芝士嗎? May I have some cheese? 這是什麽口味的芝士? What kind of cheese is this? 可以給我壹點這個嗎? May I have just a little of it? 可不可以不要甜點改要水果? Can I 。

4. 30句咖啡廳專用英語翻譯



1, 這是妳的找零和小票,請到那邊取下飲料,很快就好Here are your receipt and change. Please pick up your drink from that side. It'll be ready in just a moment.2 ,祝妳用餐愉快Enjoy (your food).3,不好意思,現在飲料比較多,妳先坐壹會,壹會好了喊妳Sorry, we have many orders in queue right now. Please be seated first, and we'll call you when your order is ready.4,妳先坐會,壹會好了我幫妳拿過去Please wait on your seat. We'll bring your food/drink to you when it's ready.5,現在這個信用卡機不能用,能付現金嗎Sorry, but our credit card machine is not working right now. Can you pay cash?6,帶走還是在這邊吃? for here or to go,sir?7 能用我們的馬克杯(玻璃杯)嗎?環保壹點Could we use the glass cup for your drink? It's more environment freindly.8,牛肉 豬肉 雞肉 魚肉 beef, pork, chicken, fish9 不好意思讓您久等了,謝謝妳的等待,這是妳要的飲料.I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Thanks for being patient. This is your drink.10,今天需要想吃點什麽?和以前壹樣嘛?What would you like to order today? Everything as usual?11,要嘗試下我們的新品嗎?這個是酸的(甜的),有牛肉(櫻桃醬)Would you like to try our new food/drink? This is sour/sweet, it has beef/cheery jelly.12,妳先看會,選好了喊我,[我先幫這位小姐(先生)點單。可以嗎?]Take your time. Please call me when you are ready. [I'll take this lady's/gentleman's order first, Is that all right?](註:方括號中其實不用說。

不過也給譯了。)13 請稍等壹下,我去找下我們的值班經理幫妳解決問題A moment, please. I'll go ask our manager to come help you with the problem.14 X先生 X小姐,飲料好了,這邊取下Mr. X/Ms. X, your drink is ready. Please come pick it up here.15,妳好,妳是我們隨機抽取的顧客心聲邀請對象,請看下這張紙上的英文,記得90天內來免費換飲料哦Hello, you have been randomly picked as the invitee of our Voice of Customer program. Please read the words on this paper, and remember to bring it to exchange your free drink within 90 days.16 要燙的水還是溫的Would you like it very warm or just lukewarm?17 刀,叉子,濕紙巾,勺子 knife, fork, moist napkin/wipe, spoon18 要留空間加牛奶嗎?Would you like to leave some room for milk/cream?19 要幫妳加好牛奶嗎要加多少牛奶呢?Would you like me to add milk/cream for you? How much do you like?20 牛奶已經幫妳加在裏面了Milk/cream is added.21 有3元零錢嗎(零錢)Do you have a change of three Yuan?22,歡迎下次再來 Hope to see you again. 或者:Thank you and come again.23,要幫妳打包嗎?Do you need me to help pack the remains?24,請稍等壹下,現在沒有零錢了,我換下零錢A moment please. I don't have any change left right now. Let me go get some.25 走出這個木門,直走,廁所在右邊Out of this wooden door, go straight ahead, and the bathroom is on the right.26 直接連接CHINANET就可以了Simply connect to CHINANET directly.27 我可以為妳做什麽? what can i do for you sir?28 妳好,請問貴姓?可以讓我登記下熟客資料嗎?接受我們的短信通知嗎?我們有新品或者活動會發信息通知您,您的地址是Hello, may I know your last name? Could you leave some information so we can keep a record for our frequent guest? Would you like to receive our text message notification? We will send you notifications of our new products or events. And your address is。

?29 感覺怎麽樣?味道可以嗎?How do you like it? It tastes good?30 壹***XXX元。The total is xxx yuan.。