bad
beginning
makes
a
bad
ending.
不善始者不善終。
2.A
boaster
and
a
liar
are
cousins-german.
吹牛與說謊本是同宗。
3.A
bully
is
always
a
coward.
色厲內荏
4.A
burden
of
one
choice
is
not
felt.
愛挑的擔子不嫌重。
5.Actions
speak
louder
than
words.
事實勝於雄辯。
6.Adversity
leads
to
prosperity.
窮則思變。
7.Adversity
makes
a
man
wise,
not
rich.
逆境出人才。
8.Rome
was
not
built
in
a
day.
羅馬不是壹天建成的。
9.All
roads
lead
to
Rome.
條條道路通羅馬。(殊途同歸)
10.Many
a
little
makes
a
miracle.
積少成多,集腋成裘。
11.No
pains,
no
gains.
沒有付出就沒有收獲。
12.Where
there
is
a
will,
there
is
a
way.
有誌者事竟成。
13.A
good
beginning
makes
a
good
ending.
善始才能善終。
14.Well
begun,
half
done.
好的開始是成功的壹半。
15.Good
medicine
tastes
bitter.
良藥苦口利於病。
16.A
friend
in
need
is
a
friend
indeed.
患難之友是真交。
17.A
barking
dog
seldom
bites.
能叫的狗不咬人。
18.A
good
book
is
a
good
friend.
好書如摯友。
19.A
good
book
is
the
best
of
friends,
the
same
today
and
forever.
壹本好書,相伴壹生。
20.A
good
conscience
is
a
soft
pillow.
不做虧心事,不怕鬼叫門。
21.A
good
fame
is
better
than
a
good
face.
美名勝過美貌。