當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 貝多芬的名言中文和英文分別是什麽?


1. ?那些立身揚名出類拔萃的,他們憑借的力量是德行,而這也正是我的力量。

The strength of those who stand out and stand out is virtue, and that is my strength.


Pain can destroy a person, and a suffering person can destroy it. To create is to suffer, and suffering is the gift of god. One of the great advantages of great people is that they persevere in the face of adversity and hardship.


It is impossible for me to take fate by the throat, and it will make me give in.


Artists who have become famous are often at their best, so their earliest works are often the best.


My art should benefit only the poor. Ah, what a happy hour! How happy I should be when I am near that!


It is morality that sustains me in times of trouble, which makes me not commit suicide, except art.


I would like to prove that those who conduct good and noble deeds are bound to bear the burden of adversity.


Teach your children the virtues of virtue, not money. I speak from experience. It is morality that sustains me in times of trouble, which makes me not commit suicide, except art.


True friendship can only be based on a combination of similar temperament.


There are no obstacles for talented and hard-working people.