當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 魔獸爭霸中女巫的經典名言是什麽?



- The flows of magic are whimsical today! 今天的魔法波動反復無常


- Do you require aid, human? 需要幫助嗎,人類?

- This better be good. 最好如此

- Help me, help you. 幫助我就是幫助妳

- What''ll it be hot shot?*

- Kick down sparky.


- If you insist. 如果妳堅持的話

- What a good idea. 真是個好主意

- It''s about time. 是時候了

- Once again, it''s up to the elves. 事情又由精靈來決定了