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If you wish to learn swimming,you have to go into the water,and if you wish to become a problem solver,you have to solve problems. (如果妳想學會遊泳,妳必須下水;如果想成為解題能手,妳必須解題。) ——波利亞 The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics. (學習數學的惟壹方法是做數學。) ——哈爾莫斯 Some teachers demand that students solve mathematics problems only by the method taught in class,This process can thwart initiative,compound frustration,and promote avoidance. (有的教師要求學生只用課堂上教的方法解數學題。這種做法會阻礙獨創能力的發展,導致失敗,並造成回避困難的心理。) ——波雅妮 When students are forced to develop their own approaches to unsolved problems,they benefit much more than from exposure to the mathematics alone. (當壹個學生被迫大展身手去對付未解決的問題時,比僅僅學習數學知識,其受益要多得多。) ——斯潘尼爾 數學心臟費護持 The problem is the heart of mathematics. (問題是數學的心臟。) ——哈爾莫斯 He who seeks for methods without having a difinite problem in mind seeks for the most part in vain. (心中沒有壹定的問題而要尋找方法的人,多半都是徒勞無獲的。) —— 希爾伯特 The problem solver may do creative work even if he does not succeed in solving his own problem; his effort may lead him to means applicable to other problems,Then the problem solver may be creative indirectly be leaving a good unsolved problem which eventually leads others to discovering fertile means. (即使在解某壹道題時,解題者未獲成功,他也可能做了有獨創性的工作;他的努力可能使他得到適用於解決其他問題的工具。此外,他可能留下壹個很好的未解決問題,這個問題最終能使其他人發現更有成效的解題手段。這樣,他間接地作出了獨創性的貢獻。) ——波利亞 One of the virtues of a good problem is that it generates other good problems. (壹道好題的價值之壹在於它能產生其他壹些好題。) ——波利亞 Each problem that I solved became a rule which served afterwards to solve other problems. (我解決過的每壹個問題都成為日後用以解決其他問題的法則。) ——笛卡爾