當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 實踐名人名言英語


1、經不起實踐檢驗的理論,是毫無用處的,甚至是有害的。——陶鑄? Can not stand the test of practice theory, it is useless, or even harmful。

2、耳聞之不如目見之,目見之不如足踐之,足踐之不如手辨之。——劉向? Seeing is better than of listening, listening to the foot of practice, than hand distinguishes the sufficient practice。

3、用理論來推動實踐,用實踐來修正或補充理論。——廖沫沙? To promote the practice with theory, to revise or supplement theory with practice。

4、僅僅壹個理論上的證明,也比五十件事實更能打動我。——狄德羅? Only a theoretical proof, also can move more than fifty thing I。

5、只有過著遊手好閑的生活的人,才把錢看得天那樣的大,壹個不事生產只會消費的家夥,不啻是社會的蟊賊。——巴爾紮克? Only live in idleness, just put the money to see the big day, a guy not producing will only consumption, is the pest of the society。

6、沒有實際的理論是空虛的,同時沒有理論的實際是盲目的。——徐特立? Without actual theory is empty, without the theory to practice is blind。

7、認為大眾可以被愚弄牽著鼻子走的人,就是低估社會大眾;當然,他在廣告圈也不會有什麽大成就。——李奧貝納? Think that people can be fooled by the nose, is to underestimate the public; Of course, he also won't have any great achievements in advertising circles。 Leo Burnett。

8、離開實際的理論是死理論,離開理論的實際是瞎實際。——劉伯承? Leave practical theory is death theory, theory of practice is blind。

9、心中醒,口中說,紙上作,不從身上習過,皆無用也。——顏元? Wake up in the heart, the mouth says, paper, not learning from me, all useless also。

10、壹個人,只有在實踐中運用能力,才能知道自己的能力。——小塞涅卡? A person, only in practice using ability, to know their own ability。

11、離開革命實踐的理論是空洞的理論,而不以革命理論為指南的實踐是盲目的實踐。——斯大林? Left revolutionary practice theory is the theory of the empty, without revolutionary theory as the guide of practice is the practice of the blind。

12、行動是老子,知識是兒子,創造是孫子。——陶行知? Action is Lao zi, knowledge is a son, creation is grandson。

13、壹定是實踐和實際的人生經驗教給了他這麽些高深的理論。——莎士比亞? Must be the practice and actual life experience taught him the kind of profound theory。

14、壹個人只有經過東倒西歪的、讓自己像個笨蛋那樣的階段才能學會滑冰。——蕭伯納? A person only through stagger, let myself like an idiot that stage to learn to skate。

15、只有在新的社會條件下勞動才能從繁重的負擔轉變成輕松而愉快的生理要求的滿足。——車爾尼雪夫斯基? Only under the condition of new social labor from heavy burden into a relaxed and pleasant physical requirements to meet。

16、行動生困難;困難生疑問;疑問生假設;假設生試驗;試驗生斷語;斷語又生了行動,如此演進於無窮。——陶行知? Action difficulties; Difficult life question; Question assumptions; Hypothesis test; Test judgment; Evolution of judgment and action, so in the endless。

17、只有實際生活中可以學習,只有實際生活能教訓人,只有實際生活能產生社會思想。——瞿秋白? Only can learn in real life, only real life can teach, only real life can produce social thought。

18、人類用認識的活動去了解事物,用實踐的活動去改變事物;用前者去掌握宇宙,用後者去制造宇宙。——克羅齊? With human activity to understand things, with the practice activity to change things; With the former to master the universe, with the latter to make the universe。

19、理論在變為實踐,理論由實踐賦予活力,由實踐來修正,由實踐來檢驗。——列寧? Theory on practice, theory from practice gives vitality, modified by practice, the practice to test。

20、知之愈明,則行之愈篤;行之愈篤,則知之益明。——朱熹? Knowledge of the Ming, the line of the Benedict; The more lines of Benedict, while yi Ming。

21、天下之事,聞者不如見者知之為詳,見者不如居者知之為盡。——陸遊? The world of matter, listeners than see know for detail, see not reside know to do。

22、學之之博,未若知之之要;知之之要,未若行之之實。——李光地? Learn the Po, if not to know; Want to know, if not of。

23、自古聖賢之言學也,鹹以躬行實踐為先,識見言論次之。——林希元? The ancient sages of learning, also salty to practise practice first, his speech。

24、碗酸辣湯,耳聞口講的,總不如親自呷壹口的明白。——魯迅? Bowl of soup, mouth to speak and hear, always not understand as sip in person。

25、只有實踐能克服經驗的錯誤。——巴人? Only practice can overe experience errors。

26、在我們的社會中,勞動不僅是經濟的範疇,而且是道德的範疇。——馬卡連柯? In our society, the work is not only an economic category, and is a moral category。

27、實踐,是個偉大的揭發者,它暴露壹切欺人和自欺。——車爾尼雪夫斯基? Practice, is a great whistleblowers, it exposes all deceit and self-deception。

28、理論脫離實踐是最大的不幸。——達?芬奇? Theory breaks away from practice is one of the biggest misfortune。

29、所有的理論法則都依賴於實踐法則;如果只有壹條實踐法則,那麽它們就都依賴這壹條實踐法則。——費希特? All the theory of law depends on the practice of law; If there is only one law practice, then they all rely on the law practice。

30、有知識的人不實踐,等於壹只蜜蜂不釀蜜。——薩迪? Not a man of knowledge practice, was equal to that the bees yield no honey。

31、理論上壹切爭論而未決的問題,都完全由現實生活中的實踐來解決。——車爾尼雪夫斯基? All arguments and open question in theory, are pletely solved by practice in real life。

32、人的思維是否具有客觀的真理性,這並不是壹個理論的問題,而是壹個實踐的問題。——馬克思? The mind is objective truthfulness makes, this is not a theoretical problem, but a practice problem。

33、及之而後知,履之而後艱。——魏源? And then know, shoe and difficult。

34、壹個人怎樣才能認識自己呢?決不是通過思考,而是通過實踐。——歌德? How can one know yourself? Is never by thinking, but through practice。

35、專讀書也有弊病,所以必須和現實社會接觸,使所讀的書活起來。——魯迅? Designed to read also have disease, so must contact with social reality, live up to the book。

36、人只有獻身於社會,才能找出那實際上是短暫而有風險的生命的意義。——愛因斯坦? Only dedicated to the society, to find out the meaning of life is actually short and risky。

37、任何壹種不為集體利益打算的行為,都是自殺的行為,它對社會有害。——馬卡連柯? Any a kind not to going to the behavior of the collective interests, are suicidal behavior, it is harmful to society。

38、任何理論都不如現實具體。——沈從文? Any specific theory than reality。

39、實踐決定理論,真正的理論也有著領導行動的功用。——鄒韜奮? Decision theory, a real theory also have the function of leading action。