當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 情侶祝福語簡短英文


1、我願意壹生守在妳的身邊,冬天做妳的棉被,夏天做妳的電風扇。 I would like to be around you all my life, be your quilt in winter, and be your fan in summer* 2、愛人,妳就是海洋,我日夜地奔流,是為了做妳的波浪。 Lover, you are the ocean* I run day and night to make your waves* 3、壹個美麗的女人是壹顆明珠,而壹個好的女人則是壹座寶庫。 A beautiful woman is a bright pearl, while a good woman is a treasure house* 4、只有天空是沒有人會搶走的,只要我能擡起頭,它都壹直陪著我。 No one will take away the sky* As long as I can lift my head, it will always be there for me* 5、多想和妳並肩走上那條山路,有藍天,有白雲,有柔風,還有我和妳。 I want to walk along the mountain road with you* There are blue sky, white clouds, gentle wind, and you and me* 6、有壹天妳能到我的心理去,妳會看到那裏全是妳給的傷悲。 One day you can come to my mind, and you will see all the sadness you give* 7、聽著,我允許妳喜歡我。除了白頭偕老,我們沒別的路可選了。 Listen, I allow you to like me* We have no alternative but to grow old together* 8、愛,原來並沒有專屬的夜晚,然而妳來到我身邊,星光卻如此燦爛! There is no exclusive night for love, but when you come to me, the stars are so brilliant! 9、有壹個人的名字,我從不曾說出,不是因為它沈重,而是害怕它洶湧。 There is a persons name, I never say it, not because it is heavy, but afraid of it surging* 10、猶記那壹年妳把我的心窗打開,讓我收獲了壹片思念的花海。 Remember that year, you opened my heart window and let me harvest a sea of yearning* 11、妳是壹朵無刺的玫瑰,溫柔而美麗,把這朵玫瑰送給我,好嗎? You are a thorn free rose, gentle and beautiful, send this rose to me, OK? 12、我寧願愛上壹個我不能擁有的人,也不想擁有壹個我無法愛上的人。 I would rather fall in love with a person I can not have, and do not want to have a person I can not love* 13、向妳表達我的.愛,這是我對妳愛的表白,妳是否能答應呢。 To express my love to you, this is my confession of your love, can you promise? 14、愛妳,就像每天要吃飯和睡覺那麽自然,我已經習慣每天有妳。 Loving you is like eating and sleeping every day* Naturally, I am used to having you everyday* 15、保持壹份自信,做最好的自己,寧可高傲地發黴,不要低調地戀愛。 Keep yourself confident and be the best you can be* Rather haughty and moldy, dont fall in love* 16、妳的表白,真的讓我好感動,仿佛全世界只剩下妳和我。 Your confession really moved me, as if the whole world only left you and me* 17、每次見到妳,我都好想將妳擁在懷中,好好的壹生壹世呵護。 Every time I see you, I want to hold you in my arms and cherish it all my life* 18、希望睡前可以看到妳,希望睡時可以抱著妳,希望醒來可以看到妳。 I hope to see you before I go to bed* I hope I can hold you when I sleep, hoping to wake up and see you* 19、壹生有妳是我前世的心願,執子之手、與子攜老是我今生不變的誓言。 All my life, you are my last lifes wish* The sons hands and sons are always my constant vows* 20、我愛妳,謝謝妳給了我幸福,我愛妳到天老地荒,海沽石爛。 I love you, thank you for giving me happiness, I love you to heaven and earth, Sea sell stone rotten* 21、永遠不要對我有破口大罵的樣子,因為妳說過我是妳最疼愛的人。 Never shout at me, because you said I was your favorite person* 22、愛太重,很難再移動。情太深,反而難成真。為愛所困,為愛而心碎! Love is too heavy to move* Love is too deep, but hard to come true* For love, for love and heartbreak! 23、我的世界不允許妳的消失,不管結局是否完美。因為我愛妳! No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world* Because I love you! 24、將把妳緊緊地摟在懷中,吻妳億萬次,像在赤道上面那樣熾烈的吻。 Will hold you tightly in your arms and kiss you hundreds of millions of times, like the burning kisses on the equator* 25、孤單不是與生俱來,而是由妳愛尚上個人的那壹刻開始。 Loneliness is not born, but from the moment you love yourself* 26、我跟妳相處感覺很快樂,我覺得如果我們在壹起壹定會幸福。 I am very happy to get along with you* I think we will be happy if we are together* 27、妳可以做妳自己,那個妳說的性格直率,想說就說,想做就做的人。 You can be yourself, the person you say is straightforward, you want to say, you want to do* 28、妳把我對妳的表白、當成了朋友之間的玩笑、妳讓我情何以堪? You take my confession to you as a joke between my friends* How do you make me feel? 29、如果妳不愛惜自己也就是說妳並不愛我,因為妳不珍惜我最愛的人。 If you dont love yourself, that means you dont love me, because you dont cherish the people I love most* 30、不論我們的靈魂是什麽做成的,他的和我的是壹模壹樣的。 No matter what our soul is made of, he is exactly the same as mine* 情侶祝福語簡短英文2 1、我只願守著妳,沐浴這美麗的愛情。 I just want to guard you and bathe in this beautiful love. 2、快樂著妳的快樂,牽絆著妳的牽絆。 Happy with your happiness, with your ties. 3、親愛的,謝謝妳的愛,愛妳無悔無怨! Dear, thank you for your love, love you without regret! 4、紙短情長,我的故事都是關於妳。 My stories are all about you. 5、深知我者才久居我心,深知妳者才能傷妳無形。 Only those who know me well can stay in my heart for a long time, and those who know you can hurt you invisibly. 6、臉在紅,心在跳,愛妳的心裏很微妙。 Face is red, heart is beating, love your heart is very delicate. 7、妳的名字,是我讀過最短的情詩。 Your name is the shortest love poem Ive ever read. 8、我很慢熱,也不愛湊熱鬧,如果我對妳熱情,說明妳很重要。 Im very slow and I dont like to join in the fun. If Im warm to you, it means youre very important. 9、壹千顆幸運星寄給妳,讓好運繞著妳。 A thousand lucky stars will be sent to you, and good luck will surround you. 10、前半生都是流浪,後半生遇見妳,如鹿歸林,如舟靠岸。 The first half of my life is wandering, and the second half of my life I meet you like a deer returning to the forest and a boat coming to shore. 11、世界上,最浪漫的力量,是不離不棄。 In the world, the most romantic power is never giving up. 12、弱水三千,我只取壹瓢飲。世間喧囂,我唯以寧靜相待。 Weak water 3000, I only take a ladle to drink. The world is noisy, I only treat each other with peace. 13、天荒地老直到永久,與妳相愛永不夠。 Its never enough to fall in love with you. 14、我只是要妳知道壹句話,那就是我愛妳,我愛妳,愛妳! I just want you to know one word, that is I love you, I love you, love you! 15、給妳幸福無需理由,妳在我的心裏頭。 Give you happiness without reason, you are in my heart. 16、看著妳的眼,我看見了大海和藍天,更看到了美麗的未來! Looking at your eyes, I see the sea and blue sky, but also see the beautiful future! 17、不敢許妳三生三世,只願給妳兩廳三室。 I dont dare to give you three lives. I only want to give you two halls and three rooms. 18、這壹生,總有壹個人,老是跟妳過不去,妳卻很想跟他過下去。 This life, there is always a person, always with you, but you want to live with him. 19、遇見妳,不再朝朝暮暮,已是此生最美。 Meet you, no longer day and night, is the most beautiful life. 20、當我意識到我想和妳***度余生的時候,我只希望我的余生早日開始。 When I realize that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I just want the rest of my life to start soon. 情侶祝福語簡短英文3 1、Love and a cough cannot be hid. 2、Love is the immortal flow of energy that nourishes, extends and preserves. Its eternal goal is life. 3、Never stop smiling, not even when youre sad, some man fall in love with your smile. 4、If I could save time in a bottle 5、Your better half. 這是指妳的男友或女友。妳還可以稱妳的戀人為my other half,但your better half聽起來要比your other half舒服得多! 6、After 25 years, our love is even stronger than before. 7、妳知道麽,有個人時時想念著妳,惦記妳,妳含笑的眼睛,象星光閃閃,綴在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。 8、I will be your Valentine until the end of time. 9、I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times, in life after life, in age after age forever. 10、A better love I couldnt ask for 11、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you cant have them. 12、Love is ever matter of comedies, and how and then of tragedies. 13、Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. 14、銀河之上,壹世的等待,幾世的緣分,都化作了滴滴晶瑩的淚珠,灑下凡間,留給世人無限的祝福! 15、我知道妳最喜歡這首歌,我也知道妳的心思,我想妳。 16、Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it. 17、Your undying faith is what keeps the flame out of love alive. 18、We are all born for love…it is the principle of existence and its only end. 19、Please come back. I want to make up. I want to be your Valentine. 20、Youre always there for me 21、Thousand of time I have thought of you .My heart is going high into the air and flying with my blessing towards you I dont care loneliness. I am satisfied when you are happy and I am happy when I think of you! 22、好想,好想妳!如果清風有情,請帶去我對妳的思念,這壹生都為妳牽掛;如果白雲有意,請帶去我對妳的愛戀,生生世世都願和妳***纏綿! 23、Dont cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 24、The life and love we create is the life and love we live. 25、我們不做牛郎織女,因為他們相距太遠而相見又太短;我們要做我們自己,因為有妳在我身邊把我的心牢牢拽住! 26、All,everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. 27、You always say what I need to hear. 28、Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be. 29、I didnt think that I could ever trust happiness. Then I met you.Happy Valenti nes Day, Dear. 30、Every man is a poet when he is in love. 31、Love makes the world go round. 壹些人認為有錢能使鬼推磨。但對於那些真正的浪漫主義者來說,愛才是生命中最重要的東西。