1.No manor woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make youcry.
2.If youfail, don't forget to learn your lesson.
3.Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing towaste their time on you.
4.Live a noble and honest life. Reviving past times in yourold age will help you to enjoy your life again.
5.To the world you may be one person, but to one person youmay be the world.
6.Never judge people by their appearance.
7.Don't try so hard, the best things come when you leastexpect them to.
8.Remember the best love is to love others unconditionallyrather than make demands on them.
2.有關誠信的英文名言警句1, the sincere message is the most beautiful overcoat of person , is an intelligent the holiest and purest fresh flower. 2, the sincere message is your no humble price shoes , traverses the length and breadth of a journey filled with numerous difficulties and dangers, mass can't respond to eternal invariable. 3, sincere message resembles a mirror , break in a single day, crack will appear over your personality. 4, the sincere message is a road, with the fact that pioneer's step extends; The sincere message is wisdom , seeks rope accumulation with having a wide knowledge of a scholar's; The sincere message is successful , person's going all out approaches with advancing bravely; The sincere message is the wealth seed , is therefore likely to find the key opening a state treasury as long as your sincere desire moves downwards kind. 5, the sincere message is foundation of conducting self , base of starting one's career. 6, establishes up sincere message campus , sets up up sincere message style of study , becomes the sincere message student. 7, sincere message is to learn to act as an immortal originally. 8, is sincere for message glorious , breaking faith disgraceful. That 9, believes really is to link the intelligent bridge up , to be expert in the people who cheats , to arrive at forever the bridge another one holds without end. The sincere message, is one strands of Qing Quan 10, it will wash away Augean stable cheating , lets everyone the world corner be flowing cleanly.
3.關於誠實守信名言名句Be honest rather than clever.誠實比聰明更重要 He is wise that is honest.誠實者,智也 Honesty may be dear bought,but can never be an ill pennyworth.誠實或許代價昂貴,但永遠是值得的 Honesty is the best policy.誠實乃上策 The first step towards greatest is to be honest.誠實是邁向偉大的第壹步 Speak the truth and shame the devil.說實話就是戰勝邪惡。
4.關於誠信的名言 英文版1、If a beautiful face is a recommendation, then a holy heart is a credit. —— Kabulwa Lighton
如果漂亮的臉蛋是份推薦書的話,那麽聖潔的心就是份信用。 —— 卡布爾沃·利頓《文集》
2、Credit is hard to get and easy to lose. Credit accumulated over ten years is often lost because of temporary words and deeds. —— Daisaku Ikeda
信用是難得易失的,費十年功夫積累的信用,往往由於壹時的言行而失掉。 —— 池田大作(演講)
3、When credit disappears, the body has no life. —— Dumas
當信用消失的時候,肉體就沒有生命。 —— 大仲馬《三個火槍手》
4、Losing credit is one's greatest loss. —— Yorkclark
失去信用是壹個人的最大損失。 —— 約克拉克(演講)
5、People who don't trust anyone know they have no credit. —— Albach
不相信任何人的人知道自己無信用。 —— 奧爾巴赫《傳記》
6、Our strong morality is to achieve material success through struggle.—— Russell
我們有力的道德就是通過奮鬥取得物質上的成功;這種道德既適用於國家信用,也適用於個人。 —— 羅素《哲學問題》
7、Getting credit costs a lot. —— Gerald
獲取信用是要付出很高代價的。 —— 傑羅爾德《決策與控制會計》
8、To insist on the true credit from the beginning is to reserve a huge amount of money. —— Matsushita Fortune
壹開始就堅持名副其實的信用,等於是自已儲備了龐大的資金。 —— 松下幸之助《人生問答》
9、who lost his credit, is dead in this world. —— Herbert
失掉信用的人,在這個世界上是已經死了。 —— 赫伯特《行政管理行為》
5.關於誠信的英文小詩短版英語小詩 英文小詩(經典優美26首.英漢對照) 為了方便朋友們欣賞查閱,經大量搜集比較,精編了26首十分經典優美的英語小詩 英文小詩 *經典英文小詩 To see a world in a grain of sand, 壹粒沙裏閱世界 And a heaven in a wild flower, 壹朵花中覓天堂 Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, 無窮盡在掌心中 And eternity in an hour. 永恒不過壹刻鐘 *小詩 If you were a teardrop;In my eye, For fear of losing you,I would never cry. And if the golden sun,Should cease to shine its light, Just one smile from you,Would make my whole world bright. 如果妳是我眼裏的壹滴淚,為了不失去妳,我將永不哭泣;如果金色的陽光停止了它耀眼的光芒,妳的壹個微笑,將照亮我的整個世界。
6.關於誠信的名言,英文版的,要簡短的言不信者,行不果 ————墨子
民無信不立 ————孔子
沒有誠實哪來尊嚴 ————西塞羅
真話說壹半常是彌天大謊 ————富蘭克林
誠者,天之道也;思誠者,人之道也 ————孟子
失信就是失敗 ————左拉
真誠是壹種心靈的開放 ————拉羅什富科
欺人只能壹時,而誠信才是長久之策 ————約翰·雷
當信用消失的時候,肉體就沒有生命 ————大仲馬
如果要別人誠信,首先要自己誠信 ————莎士比亞
7.誰有中英文對照的關於誠信的名言Money is not everything. There's Mastercard & Visa.
One should love animals. They are so tasty.
Love the neighbor. But don't get caught.
Behind every successful man, there is a woman. And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two.
Every man should marry. After all, happiness is not the only thing in life.
The wise never marry, And when they marry they become otherwise.
Success is a relative term. It brings so many relatives.
Never put off the work till tomorrow what you can put off today.
不要等明天交不上差再找借口, 今天就要找好.
Love is photogenic. It needs darkness to develop.
Children in backseats cause accidents. Accidents in backseats cause children.
後排座位上的小孩會生出意外, 後排座位上的意外會生出小孩.
"Your future depends on your dreams." So go to sleep.
There should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning.
"Hard work never kills anybody." But why take the risk? "
"Work fascinates me." I can look at it for hours! "
God made relatives; Thank God we can choose our friends.
When two's company, three's the result!
A dress is like a barbed fence. It protects the premises without restricting the view.
The more you learn, the more you know, The more you know, the more you forget. The more you forget, the less you know. So why bother to learn.
學的越多,知道的越多, 知道的越多;忘記的越多, 忘記的越多;知道的越少, 為什麽學來著?
8.急1. Highlights the credibility of Chinese society today: the proliferation of false advertising, market is flooded with fake and shoddy goods, diploma forgery, plagiarism and so on. In my opinion, due to the influence of money worship, making a part of the Chinese people without faith, only a short practical considerations, all the money first; In addition, greed, vanity is a lot of money on the fall in the main, rapid economic development in the market, it is hard to straighten their life. Under the influence of these ideas, people's minds off the balance will be prone to the phenomenon of dishonesty.
2. Honesty is the first of itself, will endanger life, followed by lack of good faith participation in social and economic activities will be defeated, can not get respect and recognition of others; and even between people will continue to produce a variety of all manner of contradictions, of social order and economic development.
3, I think that integrity never out of date. With faith, our lives have trust between people, commitment, disputes and conflicts not only become less, but also become easier to handle; the Government and the people in good faith, peace and prosperity; our own credibility and the world honest people and we like contacts, the goal of national rejuvenation will be closer and closer.