1、這個世界既不是有錢人的世界,也不是有權人的世界,它是有心人的世界。The world is neither the rich world, also is not belong to the world, it is impossible to a willing heart。
2、如果世上真的不存在兩方對等的愛,就讓付出更多的壹方是我吧。If really equal there is no love in the world, let the more loving one be me。
3、我們所愛的人,卻最具有傷害我們的力量。The people we love, but the most hurt our strength。
4、愛妳的鄰家女孩吧,但註意不要被逮著了。Love your neighbor, but don't get caught。
5、男人是透過他的眼睛捕捉愛意的,女人是通過她的耳朵體驗愛意的。A man is in love through his eyes, a woman through her ears。
6、我們可以躲開大家,卻躲不開壹只蒼蠅。生活中使我們不快樂的常是壹些芝麻小事。We can avoid it, but hide not open a fly。 Life makes us unhappy is often some of the *** allest。
7、愛就像壹場戰爭,開戰容易停火難。Love is like a war, the war is easier than a cease-fire。
8、離別之於愛情好比風之於火,它能將小火熄滅,使大火熊熊燃燒。Absence to love is what wind is to fire。 It extinguishes the *** all, it inflames the great。
9、過去的壹頁,能不翻就不要翻,翻落了灰塵會迷了雙眼。The past one page, can not turn don't turn, turn down the dust will lost his eyes。
10、童年的無知可愛,少年的無知可笑;青年的無知可憐;中年的無知可嘆,老年的無知可悲。The ignorance of childhood and lovely, young ignorance ridiculous; Youth's ignorance and poor; Middle-aged ignorance regrettable, older ignorance sadly。
11、日復壹日這樣的生活,好在有妳。You have such a day to day life, fortunately。
12、壹見鐘情的愛從來不會發生在饑腸轆轆的早餐以前。Love at first sight never happens before the hungry for breakfast。
13、有壹天,當妳發現再也記不起為了什麽而受傷,那就是痊愈之時。One day, when you find no longer remember for what was injured, that is healed。
14、避免受傷的最簡單方法就是做到漠不關心,但是這卻是最難做到的。Is the simplest way to avoid injury is to do indifference, but it is the hardest thing to do。
15、敵人變成戰友多半是為了生存,戰友變成敵人多半是為了金錢。Enemies bee rade-in-arms mostly in order to survive, the rades into enemies are mostly for money。
16、沒有誰對不起誰,只有誰不懂得珍惜誰。Have no who sorry who, only who don't know to cherish who。
17、感情在無論什麽東西上面都能留下痕跡,並且能穿越空間。Feelings on no matter what things can leave traces, and can pass through the space。
18、地球是運動的,壹個人不會永遠處在倒黴的位置。The earth is in motion, a person will not always at the position of bad luck。
19、愛扒開妳的胸膛,掏出妳的心臟,有人就乘機侵入妳的心胸把妳搞得壹團糟。Love opens your chest and opens your heart and it means someone can get inside you and mess you up。
20、有時候,最適合妳的人恰恰是妳最沒有想到的人。Sometimes, the most suitable for you is you least expect。
21、任何壹個傻瓜都會引誘壹個姑娘;但是知道怎樣離開她只有成熟男人才能做到。Any fool can seduce a girl; But know how to leave her only mature men can do it。
22、陶冶我們靈魂的美好感情,存在於塵世間冷漠的激動之中。Moulding our good emotions of soul exists in the worldly cold excitement。
23、有壹天妳能到我的心裏去,妳會看到那裏全是妳給的傷悲。One day you can to my heart, you will see where are all your sorrow。
24、壹談到愛,每個人都變成了壹位詩人。When it es to love, everyone bees a poet。
25、我知道是我讓妳傷心讓妳難過,但是壹切都是我故意的,那樣我才有機會好好的安慰妳,因為妳在我心中太重要了。I know I make you sad make you sad, but everything is I intentionally, so I have a chance of a good fort you, because you are in my heart is too important。
26、當妳愛上壹個人的時候,所有深藏在心的祝福都奔湧而出了。When you love someone, all your saved-up wishes start ing out。
27、當妳再也沒有什麽可以失去的時候,就是妳開始得到的時候。When there is nothing you can lose, is a time when you start to get。
28、有壹種人只做兩件事:妳成功了,他妒嫉妳;妳失敗了,他笑話妳。There is a people only do o things: you are successful, his jealous of you; You have failed, he laugh at you。
29、經營自己的長處,能使妳人生增值;經營妳的短處,能使妳人生貶值。Operating their own strengths, can make your life value; Run your shortings, can make your life devaluation。
30、無論情感,表象或欲望,莫不瞬息萬變。Regardless of the emotion, representation or desires, are rapidly changing。
31、當兩眼相遇久久凝視,這兩雙眼睛註定將會再壹次相遇。When o eyes meet and hold strongly, they are bound to meet again。
32、我喜愛這樣的壹只手,它的力度讓我有幾分感覺的手。I like the one hand, it let me feel kind of hand。
33、壹切都會好起來,她會向妳走過來。Everything will be all right, jack shall have Jill。
34、生命猶如壹片綠葉,隨著時間的流逝,慢慢變的枯黃,但他的葉脈還是那麽清晰可見。Life is like a green leaf, with the passage of time, slowly bee withered and yellow, but his veins is so clearly visible。
35、妳看,每壹天我都愛妳多壹些,今天比昨天多但比明天少。You see, each day I love you more, today more than yesterday but less than tomorrow。
36、用妳的笑容去改變這個世界,別讓這個世界改變了妳的笑容。Use your *** ile to change the world, don't let the world change your *** ile。
37、戀愛是想壹個人的心,婚姻是拴壹個人的心,愛情是吞壹個人的心。Love is to want to a person's heart, marriage is tied to a person's heart, love is swallowed a person's heart。
38、昨天只是今天的記憶,明天卻是今天的夢想。Yesterday is today's memory and tomorrow is today's dream。
39、極其微弱的壹線希望就足以點燃愛的火花。A very *** all degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love。
40、人越是得意的事情,越愛隱藏,越是痛苦的事情越愛小題大作。The more satisfied, more people love hidden, the more painful things more love make a mountain out of a molehill。
41、愛不是把地球變圓,愛是讓環球旅行有價值。Love is not the earth go round, love is let to travel around the world have value。
42、愛,是上帝用來懲罰我們的還是獎賞我們的呢?Love, is god punish or reward us?