2、 if you asked me how many times you have crossed my mind,i would say once,because you never really left. 如果妳問我妳穿過我的心有多少次,我會說壹次,因為妳從來沒有真正離開過
3、 however,sometimes i prefer to be a nostalgist.who awaits your escort.to see the water trickling.after your return from a kaleidoscope of sights.但有時我寧願選擇留戀而不放手 當風景看透 也許妳會陪我看細水長流
4、 sleeping without a dream makes us feel empty.maybe the only way to console us is having a warm quilt and an unknown dream.good night. 也許只有夜晚壹床溫暖的棉被和壹個好夢,才可以慰藉每天有太多不如意的我們。晚安
5、 the highest good is like that of water.if men think the ground the best place for building a house upon,if among thoughts they value those that are profound,if in friendship they value gentleness. 善如水,水善萬物無爭。居善地,心善淵,善仁,言善信,事善能。〔道德經〕
6、 there will be at least one time that you forget yourself for someone,asking for no result,no company,no ownership,even nor love.but meet you in my best ages.人生至少應該有壹次,為了某個人而忘記自己,不求結果,不求同齡人,不求曾經擁有,甚至不求愛情。只想在我最美的歲月裏遇見妳。〔亦舒〕