《蝙蝠俠》這部影片中,在黑幫和毒販橫行的高譚市,蝙蝠俠不斷神出鬼沒地打擊罪犯,而他有壹個眾所周知的規則——不殺人。在蝙蝠俠這位“暗夜騎士”的幫助下,高譚市警長戈登將黑社會老大們壹網打盡,而高譚市檢察長、有“光明騎士”之稱的哈維·鄧特試圖將他們全部送上法庭,證據確鑿,看來他們註定要住在監獄了,而高譚市似乎終於可以恢復平靜和光明了。 ?
1.What do we fall,sir?So that we can learn to pick ourselves up. ?
2.Wait.You could die.At least tell me your name. ?
等等。妳可能會死的。至少告訴我妳的名字。 ?
3.It's not who I am underneath…but what i do that defines me. ?
我在外表下是誰並不重要……重要的是我的所作所為才決定了我是誰。 ?
4.Joker:To them, you're like a freak like me. They just need you right now. But as soon as they don't, they'll cast you out like a leper. Their morals, their code…It's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. ?
Joker:對他們來說,妳和我壹樣,都是怪胎。他們只是現在需要妳。壹旦他們不想要了。他們會像趕麻風病人壹樣掃妳走。他們的美德,信條……真是個蹩足的笑話。麻煩壹來就全拋掉了,他們只有在世界允許時才那麽好。 ?
5.When you lived among the criminals,did you start to pity them
6.The Joker: You see, nobody panics when things go according to plan. Even if the plan is horrifying. If I told people that a gangbanger was going to get shot, or a busload of soldiers was going to get blown up, nobody would panic. Because it's all part of the plan. But tell people that one tiny little mayor is going to die and everyone loses their minds! ?
The Joker:妳看,沒人恐慌,只要事情照計劃發生。即便那個計劃很,恐怖。如果我告訴別人,壹個痞子要被打崩,壹車士兵要被炸飛,沒人恐慌。因為這些都只是計劃的壹部分。但是如果我說,壹個小小的可愛市長要掛掉啦,全部人都會嚇瘋! ?
7.The first time I stole so that I wouldn't starve,yes.I lost many assumptions about the simple nature of right and wrong.And when I traveled…I learned the fear before a crime…and the thrill of success.But I never became one of them. ?
當我第壹次為了不餓肚子偷東西的時候,是的。我失去了判斷是非善惡的觀念。當我到處闖蕩……我開始體會到犯罪前的恐懼……以及得手後的快感。但我從沒有成為他們中的壹員。 ?
8.You've traveled the world to understand the criminal mind and conquer your fears.But a criminal is not complicated.And what you really fear is inside yourself.You fear your own power.You fear your anger…the drive to do great or terrible things.Now you must journey inwards.You are ready. ?
9.To conquer fear,you must become fear. ?
10.Where were the other drugs going
另壹批毒品在哪裏? ?
11.I never knew.I don't know.I swear to God. ?
我壹直不知道。真不知道。我向上帝發誓。 ?
12.Swear to me! ?
(那家夥被扔下去了……) 向我發誓! ?
13.I don't…I don't know.I never knew.Never.They went to some guy for a couple days before they went to the dealers. ?
我不……真不知道。我壹直都不知道,壹直。他們在交易前會先去見某個人。 ?
為什麽? ?
15.There was something…something else in the drugs…something hidden. ?
有些東西……其他東西在毒品裏……被藏起來。 ?
是什麽? ?
17.I never went to the drop-off point.It was in the Narrows.Cops only go there in force. ?
我壹直都不知道。只知道東西被送去奈何島。警察只有成群結隊才敢去那裏。 ?
18.Do I look like a cop
我看起來像警察麽? ?
(又下去了……)不! ?
20.What have I done,Alfred?Everything my family…my father,built… ?
我做了什麽,阿福?我家裏的壹切……我父親的心血,房子…… ?
21.The Wayne legacy is more than bricks and mortar,sir. ?
韋恩家族的精神不只是磚塊瓦礫,少爺。 ?
22.I wanted to save Gothan.I failed. ?