當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 求壹下名言的外文原句。 1 習慣不加以抑制,不久它就會變成妳生活上的必需品了。--奧古斯丁

求壹下名言的外文原句。 1 習慣不加以抑制,不久它就會變成妳生活上的必需品了。--奧古斯丁

1.Habits don't curbed soon, it will become your life necessities。

2.People should be to habit, and must never let person habit, one cannot take out of his bad habits, that really is the worthless-AoSiTeLuoFuSiJi

3.The virtue teach you children: make people happy is virtue, not money-Beethoven

4.Courtesy is the children and youth should be especially careful to form a habit of the first great thing-John Locke

5.Manners that people with manners joy, also make the person with polite by tracing people happiness--montesquieu

6.Politeness is the most easy to do, also is the most precious thing-henchard hill