當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 高考英語作文中可以用哪些句子而得到加分?


1 用"不"來表示否定或敵意,否則就是逃避(漢英通用)他很少準點到。(逃避,語氣消極)他經常遲到。(態度明確)

2 讀者想知道"是什麽",而不是"不是什麽","不是什麽"讓人讀得不盡興

3 將正說和反說放壹起,顯得語氣更強烈"Not charity, but simple justice "

4 條件句和附加詞顯得優柔寡斷Plath may be ranked among those modern poets who died young.的語氣沒有 Plath was one of those modern poets who died young.那麽肯定Applicants can make a good impression by being neat and punctual.比 Applicants will make a good impression if they are neat and punctual.肯定

5 要表達不確定時,才用would,should, could, may might can等詞。但這些詞會顯得作者充滿疑惑,不專業

6 引起和保持讀者興趣最好的方式就是具體,清晰,簡潔

7 需要強調同壹觀點時才轉換相同意思的表達形式,否則只需用平行結構表達。science was taught in the textbook method , while now the laboratory method is employed . ?顯得作者膽小畏縮,難下決定,應改為science was taught by the textbook method; now it is taught by the laboratory method .這樣顯得作者主意已定且堅定不移(且刪除while改成分號,因為while的對比語氣太強,有時不適合)

8 主謂之間慎插其他成分,除非是同位語或故意制造停頓感,不然會造成句子不流暢

9定語要緊跟名詞之後,避免產生歧義The father of William Henry Harrison , who...應改為Walliam Henry Harrison's father, who...

10 戲劇、詩歌、故事、小說的時態壹般都用現在時,有時用過去時

11 英語:重點在句末,其次是開頭,果比因重要,新聞放最後。

12 將本來的主語放在謂語後,可以起到神奇的強調作用Through the middle of the vally flowed a winding stream .

13 書面語中寫August 9, 口語中說August ninth

14 當引用整句話達壹條或以上,引用的文字要進行換行縮進,不加引號,如下

15 標題用意大利斜體,或羅馬體當標題中的a或the前有限定詞時,A和the 要省掉。如A Tale of Two City變成Dicken's Tale of Two City

16 作名詞時,Alternate 表示兩者中的另壹選項,alternative 表示三者以上任壹其他選項

17 doubt 或help 後面的but應該省去I have no doubt but that...改為I have no doubt that...He could not help but doing...改為He could not help doing...

18 case很多時候都是不必要的In many cases, the rooms lacked air conditioning.改為Many rooms lacked air conditioning.

19 certainly相當於"肯定是。。。",演講和文章中盡量不用

20 character是冗余詞匯,可省略Acts of a hostile character改為 hostile act