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妳們壓迫我們有好幾代了(You have persecuted us for generations.) 而妳現在來乞求我們的幫助嗎(And now you beg us to aid you? ) 我們將完成我們所必須盡的責任(We will do what we must. ) 不過我們做這些是為了艾爾,不是妳。(But we do it for Aiur, not you.) 嗯?(Mm?)

妳在叫我?(You address me?)

妳的命令,聖堂武士?(Your orders, Templar?) 我做這些是為了艾爾。(I do this for Aiur.) 好吧。(So be it)

它必將被完成(It will be done.) En taro Adun.


我會堅持前行。( I will do what must be done.) 我將抹除夢魘般的過去。(I will erase the demons of the past.) 重擔在肩。(My burdens weigh heavily.) 妳在叫我?(You address me?) 我將被救贖。(I will be redeemed.) S'shozakmoknul. 艾爾將會重建。(Aiur will be restored.) 榮耀歸於長子。(Glory to the Firstborn.) 追隨榮光的指引。(As honor commands.) En aru'dinRaszagal.

我們不能遲疑。(We must not hesitate.) S'uk-dash salok.

我將履行我的使命。(I will fulfill my calling.) 效忠艾爾(In the service of Aiur.) 我效忠於妳(My allegiance is yours.) 要承擔的責任有許多。(There is much to answer for.) 天枰將歸於平衡。(The scales will be balanced.) Aruunaladan!

湮滅降臨!(Oblivion descends!) 我們必須行動!(We must act!) 使命受到了威脅!(The mission is imperiled!) 災難即將來臨!(Disaster is imminent!) 壹切都陷入了危險!(All is in jeopardy!) 我不會停歇,直到贖清我的罪。(I will not rest until my atonement is complete.) 我朝著新的目標繼續前行。(I press on with renewed purpose.) 我不會退卻。我不會動搖。(I will not falter. I will not waver.) 我們的敵人終將被消滅。(Our enemies will be undone.)


Dark Templar (黑暗聖堂)

(出場00) Adun Toridas! (神族語)

(閑聊00) Your taunts are inadvised, Templar. 沒法贊同妳的汙辱,祭司

(閑聊01) Do not provoke me to violence. 妳想讓我暴動嗎?

(閑聊02) You can no more evade my wrath... 妳沒法逃避我的憤怒!

(閑聊03) ...Than you could your own shadow. 與妳相比,我像妳的影子壹樣無形

(選擇00) 行動? 是?

(選擇01) Zerashk gulida! (神族語)

(選擇02) I’m waiting. 我正在等待

(選擇03) Neraz Gulio. (神族語)

(行動00) For Aiur. 為了Aiur.

(行動01) Ner’mah! (神族語)

(行動02) So be it. 那麽就成為它吧

(行動03) Very well. 非常棒