From the WHO estimates that global annual incidence of foodborne illness, the number has reached 1000000000 people! Eat snacks, careful! " Country guy" in the use of industrial dyes," lover plum" covered with flies;" pepperoni" is to use sulfureous fume, ham is a dangerous bubble enemy ... ... Especially those without factory name, address, product name, production date and shelf-life"3 without" food, called" fairy duck" fried duck, coliform content seriously exceed the standard. 5cents a bag" spicy chicken neck" preservative exceed the standard of six times! See these figures, you will not feel with one's hair standing on end?
Some students will say, I don't eat those3 without the product, I eat the snack product is qualified, the body will not harmful. This kind of statement is also wrong, we had had such experience, snacks to eat more, to eat dinner shique. If things go on like this, will cause the overturn, prevent digestive function, the digestive disorders, loss of appetite, essential nutrients can not be guaranteed, can lead to mental decline, attention, not only affect our body, but also hinder our learning. But also can increase the economic burden of parents, snack paper also influence our beautiful campus environment.
The students, in order to let us grow up healthy, happy learning, in order to make our campus more beautiful, let us start from now on snacks, said firmly: no! Reject snacks, take care of yourself! Health and civilized, love our campus! Begin from me.