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A good book is a good friend.好書如摯友

Never say die.永不言敗

Well begun ,halt done.好的開始是成功的壹半。

All roads lead to Rome.條條大路通羅馬

Money doesn't grow on trees. 天上不會掉餡餅

Vitue never grows old. 美德永不老

something is better than nothing 有總比沒有好

time flies never to be recalled.光陰壹去不復返

learn not and know not 不學無術

four eyes see more than two 集思廣益

eatting an apple a day keeps the doctor away .壹天壹個蘋果 醫生不來找我

better late than never 遲到好過早到

don't trouble troubles until trouble troubles you.別自找麻煩
