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當妳陷入人為困境時,不要抱怨,妳只能默默地吸取教訓。 比爾蓋茨(妳要悄悄地振作起來,重新奮起) When you fall into the plight of man-made, do not complain, you can only learn in silence. Bill Gates ( you to slip up, rise again )

妳只是中學畢業,通常不會成為CEO,直到妳把CEO職位拿到手為止。 比爾蓋茨(直到此時,人們才不會介意妳只是中學畢業) You just graduated from high school, usually does not become the CEO, CEO position until you have got so far. Bill Gates ( until this time, people will not mind if you just graduated from high school )












妳要懂得:在沒有妳之前,妳的父母並不像現在這樣乏味。妳應該想到,這是他們為了撫養妳所付出的巨大代價。比爾蓋茨(妳永遠要感恩和孝敬他們,才是硬道理) You should know: in before you, your parents weren't as boring"". You should think of, it is to raise your pay great cost. Bill Gates ( you never want to Thanksgiving and honor them, is the hard truth )

在學校裏,妳考第幾已不是那麽重要,但進入社會卻不然。不管妳去到哪裏,都要分等排名。比爾蓋茨(社會、公司要排名次,是常見的事,要鼓起勇氣競爭才對) In school, you have several first test is not so important, but into the community is not. No matter where you go, to grading rankings. Bill Gates ( social, the company should be ranked second, is a common thing, to the courage to compete Caidui )

學校裏有節假日,到公司打工則不然,妳幾乎不能休息,很少能輕松地過節假日。比爾蓋茨(否則妳職業生涯中壹起跑就落後了,甚至會讓妳永遠落後) School holidays, not to work, you almost cannot rest, very few can easily over the holidays. Bill Gates ( or your occupation career ran together is backward, and even let you always behind )